First Class - April 14, 1912
Hors Doeuvre
Consomme Olga
Cream of Barley
Salmon, Mousseline Sauce, Cucumber
Filet Mignons Lili
Saute' of Chicken, Lyonnaise
Vegetable Marrow Farcie
Lamb, Mint Sauce
Roast Duckling, Apple Sauce
Sirloin of Beef, Chateau Potatoes
Green Peas - - Creamed Carrots
Boiled Rice
Parmentier & Boiled New Potatoes Punch Romaine
Roast Squab & Cress
Cold Asparagus Vinaigrette
Pate De Foie Gras
Waldorf Pudding
Peaches in Chartreube Jelly
Chocolate & Vanilla Eclairs
French Ice Cream
1st Class - April 11, 1912
Baked apples Fruit Steamed Prunes
Quaker Oats Broiled Hominy Puffed Rice
Freash Herring
Findon Hoddock Smoked Salmon
Mutton Kidneys & Bacon
Grilled Ham Grilled Sausage
Lamb Callops Vegetable Stew
Fried Shirred Poached Eggs
Plan Tomato Omlets to order
Sirloin Steak & Mutton Chops to order
Mashed, Saute`, and Jacket Potatos
Cold Meat
Vienna and Gram Rolls
Soda Scones Corn Bread
Buckwheat Cakes
Black Current Conserve Narbonne Honey
Oxford Marmalade
2nd Class April 11 1912
Rolled oats, Broiled Hominy
Yarmouth Bloaters
Grilled ox kidneys & Bacon
American Hash au Gratin
Grilled sausage, Mash Potatoes
Grilled Ham & Fried Eggs
Fried potatoes, Vienna & Graham Rolls
Buckwheat Cakes, Maple Syrup
Conserve Marmalade
Tea Coffee
2nd Class
Pea Soup
Spaghetti au Gratin
Corned Beef Vegetable Dumplings
Roast Mutton
Baked Jacket Potatoes
Roast Mutton Roast Beef
Sausage Ox Tongue
Pickles Salad
Tapioca Pudding
Apple Tart
Fresh Fruit
Cheese Biscuits
Coffee Tea
2nd Class
Consomme' - - Tapioca
Baked Haddock, Sharp Sauce
Curried Chicken & Rice
Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce
Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce
Green Peas - - - Puree' Turnips
Boiled Rice
Boiled & Roast Potatoes
Plum Pudding
Wine Jelly - - - Coconut Sandwich
American Ice Cream
Nuts Assorted
Fresh Fruit
Cheese - - - Biscuits
3rd Class
Oatmeal Porridge & Milk
Shaved Herrings, Jacket Potatoes
Vegetable Soup
Roasted Pork with Sage and Onions
Green Peas
Boiled Potatoes
Plum Pudding
Cabin Biscuits Fruit
Beef with Potatoes and Pickles
Currant Buns Bread and Butter