Page 36 - Minutes of Proceedings of Civil Engineers Vol CXCV 1913-14 Part 3 Correspondence
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Proceedings.l IIENDERSON ON THE TRANSANDINE RAILWAY. 151 A ssoci'ute Members----continued. JoRx Rsrn Surtn, Stucl, Inst. C.E. Josnpn Wr,r,reu Tuwrn, Stud. Inst. Enrc fllurr,rox Suxrsr. c.E. lYrr,lrau Fnanr Suxror,r, B.Sc,. (Engi- Jexus Uneusenr. neering) (Lond,.). Lours Josrps Aoor,prr Yar,r,rt. GnoRcn Srnwlnr, Stud. Inst. C,E. Wrr,r,rau Grorriv Wano, B.Sc. (Engi- Bnuon Srnwenr. neering) (Lontl.). Hnnnv Cunnex Sruncnox. Axcus Roxar,o Wntetlut, B,Sc. (En- Or,rvnn Ilnrvnv Tnur,orv, gineering) (LoruI.). Gnopl'ny Bannv Poor,r Tsoupsor. HERBERT Lrr Wnrcxr, Stud. Inst' RToHARD Arat Sru,rnr Tuwertns, c.E. 'Wnroxr, B.Sc. (Engineering) (Zozr.d.), Stud. KrNlNcaln Bnnln,ru B.Sc, Inst. C. E. (Glas.). Associnte, Cus.rcx War,tox, Captoin R.E, (Paper No. 4068.) " The Transandine RailwaY." By Bnoorn ller,oeNu llnlronnsox, M. fnst. C'8. Tsn idea of connecting the railways of Argentina with those of the countries on the western slope of the Andes was first brought to the notice of the public as long ago as 1854' when a suggestion was put, forward to conncct, the Caldera-Copiap6 line with the Argentine railways at, or near, C6rdoba. Nothing came of this project, and another scheme was brought forward about 1870, the originators being Messrs. Juan and Mateo Clark, who were also the originators and constructors of the railway from Buenos Aires to Mendoza. The 1870 project was to connect the Cuyo provinces of Argentina with Chile by means of a railway from Mendoza via the Uspallata Pass to Santa Rosa de los Andes, a station on t'he Chilian State Railways (Figs. 1 and 2, Plate 3). The Cuyo provinces of Argentina had drawn their supplies from, and carried on trade with, Chile over the Uspallata and other passes for many yeals. Other plojects for joining the two countries are still under onsideration, most of which, however, are for crossing the Andes rt considerable distances to the north or south of the Transandine Rrilway. To the north, the main range of mountains is, generallv qreaking, divided into several subsidiary ranges and, to the south, ii is also split up into various ranges or ridges, the plsses in the *uth being generally at considerably lower elevat'ions than the Uspollata Pass, which was the one adopted for the Transandine Brilway after investigation of many alternative routes. Since