Page 7 - Minutes of Proceedings of Civil Engineers Vol CXCV 1913-14 Part 3 Correspondence
P. 7
722 coRRESpoNrrENCn oN TI{E ooNSTRUCTIoN oF fMinutes ot Mr. cay. work, when liquid concreto w:ls deposited in rvlter by skips, layers rtf lailancc, resembling cernent-slurry before it rvls plssed through the kiln, woro folmcrl. In tho case of sea-works, horvever, gootl rvolk lurtl beon socru'orl by mtking the depositing skips large, so that tho surfoco in corrtnct. with the wnter was small in propor- tion to tlro rnnss of oach rlisclrnrgc, and nlso by mll
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