Page 107 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 1 - 5
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which I did not finish. “In boats where there may be a difficulty in fitting a rudder a steering oar may be provided instead.” The Commissioner: According to the picture which I have here of one of these collapsible boats, there is no rudder, but there is the provision of a row-lock and so provision for steering with an oar. 1724. (Mr. Scanlan.) Yes, my Lord. (To the Witness.) Were there four collapsible boats on board? - One either side of the emergency boats and one each side of the funnel. 1725. Of the four, how many were actually launched? - I can answer for two. 1726. Do you know whether the others were launched or not? - I cannot say. 1727. You have told us that you saw eight lifeboats being launched? - Yes. 1728. And sent off with a complement of passengers? - Yes. Were all these incompletely filled with passengers? The Commissioner: Not his own I should say. 1729. (Mr. Scanlan.) Before his own. (To the Witness.) Yours was the last to leave? - Yes. 1730. But of the eight which you saw leaving is it true that they were incompletely filled? - Some had more passengers in than others. 1731. How many more do you think could have been accommodated in these? - In some of them they could have taken another 15 or 20. 1732. (The Commissioner.) Now, what I want to know is this; why were they not filled up? - There were not any females on the deck to put in the boats. 1733. Or if they were they would not go? - Some would go in and some would not; they wanted to stay behind with their husbands. 1734. (Mr. Scanlan.) From the time of the order which you received to assist in uncovering and launching the lifeboats until they were being sent off from the side, was there sufficient interval to enable the female passengers in the steerage to be got up to the boat deck? - They would if they had anybody there to direct them to the boat deck. 1735. Was there any person, so far as you were aware, directing the steerage passengers, either those who were stationed forward or aft, to the boat decks? - I do not think so. 1736. You do not think there was anybody? - No. 1737. (The Commissioner.) But you were not there to see, I should think? - No, my Lord; but there were hardly any third-class passengers up there. 1738. (Mr. Scanlan.) You say that you heard shouts, “Any more passengers?” “Any more women?” - Yes; I shouted myself. 1739. Could those shouts by any possibility have been heard by the passengers in the third- class quarters? - No, not at all. 1740. Of the eight boats which you saw launched how many were properly manned with seamen? - [No Answer.] The Commissioner: Do you mean with twelve seamen? - I do not know what you mean by “properly manned.” Is your definition of “properly manned” twelve seamen? Mr. Scanlan: It is not, my Lord. The Commissioner: What is your definition? Mr. Scanlan: I should hesitate, my Lord, at this stage of the Inquiry, on my instructions to give a definition as to what is a sufficient number of seamen to man a lifeboat. The Commissioner: This Witness said twelve. Mr. Scanlan: My instructions have never gone to that extent, my Lord - The Commissioner: I am not astonished to hear that. 1741. (Mr. Scanlan.) As to the efficiency of a crew for manning a lifeboat. (To the Witness.) How many seamen could, in your opinion, man one of those lifeboats in fine weather and under favourable conditions which you had on the night of this unfortunate accident? - If they were to
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