Page 123 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 1 - 5
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know. Mr. J. P. Farrell: McCormack was not drowned, my Lord. The Commissioner: Very well, then he may be guilty of an attempt to commit manslaughter, but I cannot try that. Mr. J. P. Farrell: Is it not a question for investigation by this Court? The Commissioner: I do not think so. Mr. J. P. Farrell: There is another charge we have about a man named McCoy. The Commissioner: That I do not think comes within my jurisdiction at all. If any crime has been committed by some individual in connection with this unfortunate matter that has to be tried by somebody else. Mr. J. P. Farrell: But, my Lord, we also appear for others. We have gone to a great deal of expense. The Commissioner: Now you know, Mr. Farrell, if you will confine yourself to what I think is possibly a legitimate position on your part, there will be no difficulty about it. Mr. J. P. Farrell: I will accept any suggestion with great pleasure. The Commissioner: You want to represent, as I understand, not the representatives of two but the representatives of a great number of the passengers on board this vessel. Mr. J. P. Farrell: Quite so, my Lord. The Commissioner: Third-class passengers? Mr. J. P. Farrell: Quite so, my Lord. The Commissioner: I can quite conceive that there may be circumstances in connection with this catastrophe which affected third-class passengers and perhaps did not affect the first-class and the second-class, and if you or your brother, the solicitor, will take up that position and bring before me any matters that particularly affect the third-class passengers I shall be very glad to be assisted by the evidence that he is able to put before me. Mr. J. P. Farrell: I am obliged to your Lordship. The Commissioner: But do not turn me into a criminal judge to try charges of attempted manslaughter. Mr. J. P. Farrell: Very well, my Lord, I will request my brother to get in communication with the others. The Commissioner: Very well, let that be done as far as Mr. Farrell, your brother, is concerned. Mr. J. P. Farrell: Will your Lordship allow Mr. Harbinson to appear in the meantime, because witnesses may be passing through the box - The Commissioner: Is not your brother here at present? Mr. J. P. Farrell: Not at present. Mr. Champness: I desire again to mention an application I made last week - The Commissioner: Will you allow me to finish one thing before I begin another. This gentleman, Mr. Harbinson, can represent what I call your clients, Mr. Farrell. Mr. J. P. Farrell: I thank your Lordship. The Commissioner: Until Mr. Farrell arrives, and then if Mr. Farrell chooses to take it out of the hands of this competent gentleman, he can do so. Mr. Harbinson: I have been instructed directly by Mr. Farrell to appear and also by another London solicitor - The Commissioner: Do not introduce somebody else. Mr. J. P. Farrell: In the meantime you will allow Mr. Harbinson to appear. The Commissioner: I will. Mr. Harbinson: May I appear on behalf of the third-class passengers? The Commissioner: I hope you do; but I will tell you this: I am not going to allow you to appear on behalf of some of them and somebody else for another group and another person on