Page 212 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 1 - 5
P. 212
4294. Whereabouts on the boat deck did you go? - Right aft. 4295. Did you see whether the boats had been lowered, or whether they were still there on the boat deck? - There was only two boats left, and one they were lowering. 4296. Two boats left, and one they were lowering? - Yes. The Commissioner: That is three he means. 4297. (The Solicitor-General.) No, my Lord, I think he means two? - Yes, two. 4298. Two boats left; one had not yet been lowered, and one was being lowered? - Yes. 4299. Did you look at both sides, the port side and the starboard side? - No. 4300. Which side did you look at? - The starboard side. 4301. When you say there were only two boats left you mean there were two boats left on the starboard side? - Yes. 4302. Do you know one way or the other whether there were any left on the port side? - I could not say. 4303. The two boats you refer to were the two right aft? - Right aft. 4304. Which was the one which was being lowered? - The second one from the end. 4305. The last but one? - Yes. 4306. Were there people on the deck? - They were all in the boat, barring five firemen. 4307. Was not there anybody left on the boat deck? - Only the men that lowered the boat. 4308. No women left? - I never saw any. 4309. And the men who were lowering the boats, were they members of the crew? - Yes. 4310. Did you see any officer? - Yes. 4311. Who was he? - I do not know his name. 4312. You do not know which officer it was? - No. 4313. What did you do? - I be alongside the other boat. 4314. I did not quite hear what you said? - I stopped alongside No. 15 boat. 4315. What happened to you after that? - The officer ordered five of us into it. 4316. And you were one of the five? - Yes. 4317. And the boat was lowered? - Yes. 4318. No. 15? - Yes. 4319. No. 15 was the last one; we have not had any evidence about that. It was No. 13 we have had evidence about. Did it get down to the water safely? - We lowered it just aft the boat deck to the first-class. We called out there for women. We got a few there till we got no more, and then we lowered down to the third-class, and we took more till we could get no more. 4320. First of all, you lowered from the boat deck to what you call the first-class? - Yes. 4321. Is that what one sees there, the open deck just below the boat deck (pointing)? - Yes. 4322. When you got there, you say you called out for more women? - Women and children. 4323. You mean called out from the boat? - Yes. 4324. And were there people there? - Only a very few came, Sir. 4325. And when they did come, was there room for them in the boat? - Plenty. 4326. Plenty of room? - Yes. 4327. And they got in? - Yes. 4328. About how many? - About five we got off the first-class. 4329. That is from the first-class deck - A deck? - Yes. 4330. Were there any men on that deck? - I never see any, Sir. 4331. You mean that you took into your boat everybody who came on deck A? - Barring what the officer may have stopped alongside the davits. 4332. The davits would be on the boat deck? - Yes. 4333. Then you were lowered a bit further, were you? - Yes. 4334. What do you mean by saying you were lowered to the third-class? - To the lower deck -
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