Page 227 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 1 - 5
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4790. So far as the “Titanic” was concerned it had no drill whatever? - No. 4791. But you knew your boat? - Yes, that afternoon. 4792. Where did you get that information from? - The list. 4793. You saw a list? - Yes. 4794. Can you tell me why it was that so few men reported themselves to their boats. Have you any idea at all? You knew your boat number? - Yes. 4795. Can you explain why so few went? - No, I cannot. 4796. Did you leave many in your quarters? Were there many firemen left there when you went up? - There was none in my quarters when I went down for my belt; when I came up again they were on the deck. 4797. When you were in the boat, do I understand you heard the cries and you did not return because the officer was impressed by what the women had said that it was dangerous to go back? - Yes. 4798. I suppose if they had gone back, and there had been a matter of 100 people in the water, it would have been dangerous? - Yes. 4799. Very dangerous? - Yes. 4800. And you think that if the women did impress the officer, Pitman, not to go back, they were using common sense? Would you yourself, if you had been in charge, have gone back had you believed there to be a large number in the water? - I do not know. You think it would have been very dangerous indeed? Examined by Mr. COTTER. 4801. How long have you been going to sea? - Eleven years. 4802. What companies have you been in of first-class liners? - The Union Castle Company and the Royal Mail Company. 4803. Do those companies have general boat drill? I mean for all the crew? - Yes. 4804. Have you taken part in general drill? - Yes. 4805. Bulkhead drills as well as boat drills? - Yes. 4806. You knew exactly your station in those companies? - Yes. 4807. You did not have any drill in the White Star Line? - No. 4808. Now how did you know where your boat was? Had you ever been on the boat deck before? - No. 4809. So you simply had to roam round and find where your boat was? - No, I asked. 4810. Whom did you ask? - The quartermaster, when I got up on the deck. I asked him which was the starboard side. 4811. When you got to No. 5 what officer gave the order for you to go into No. 5 boat? - I do not know his name. The Commissioner: He told us that three or four times. 4812. (Mr. Cotter.) You said that Officer Pitman was in No. 5 boat? - Yes. 4813. Was it Officer Pitman who gave the order? - No; there was another officer there. 4814. Who gave the order to lower the boat? - I do not know who that was. 4815. You do not know? - No. 4816. Did you assist to get the women and children into that boat? - Yes. 4817. Had you any difficulty? - No, I never had a difficulty. 4818. Was the boat far from the ship’s side when she was slung out? - About a foot. Examined by Mr. LAING.