Page 64 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 1 - 5
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Association. It is an application to take a limited part in this Inquiry, but there are certain things which affect the members of that society very deeply. It is an association, the largest, I think, and the most recognised association, of marine engineers in England, with 10,000 seagoing members, marine engineers. The magnitude of the society is shown by the fact that some half or a large proportion of the engineers of this unfortunate vessel were members of this society. The Commissioner: That seems reasonable. The Attorney-General: I see from the ratings there were 25 engineers on board. I think they ought to be represented. Mr. Harbinson: May I make an application to your Lordship? I have been instructed on behalf of a section of third-class passengers, Irish passengers, 180 of whom left Queenstown on the “Titanic,” and of whom I am informed only 20 were saved. I have been asked to apply to your Lordship, with the authority of the learned Attorney-General, for permission to take part in this Inquiry. I quite appreciate and understand that it will be undesirable that there should be any duplication or anything in the nature of overlapping in the evidence given or in the questions asked. That, my Lord, would be undesirable. With your Lordship’s permission, perhaps, on behalf of this important section, I might supplement some of the others and add something to the information to be submitted to this Inquiry. The Commissioner: Will you put down in writing the names and addresses of those whom you represent and hand it in to my secretary, and I will then consider your application? Mr. Harbinson: That shall be done. Mr. Clement Edwards, M. P.: May I make an application on behalf of the Dock, Wharf, and Riverside Workers’ Union? There is an application before your Lordship stating the names of persons on whose behalf I seek to appear. I do not know whether your Lordship has it in mind. The Commissioner: I have not seen such a paper, but you must give me the names and addresses of the persons who desire to be represented and state what the reasons are. If I grant all these applications, this Inquiry will get into a state of inextricable confusion, but I will try to give permission to everybody that I think ought to be heard, separately. Mr. Edwards: I have here a copy of the written application. The Commissioner: Well, then you must hand it in to my secretary, and I will look at it. Dr. Jackson Wolfe: I appear for the relatives of a number of third-class passengers, Irish emigrants, who joined at Queenstown. I think there is some misapprehension as to the number of passengers. The Commissioner: Is this an application on behalf of another section of third-class passengers? Dr. Wolfe: Yes, my Lord, and I am in a position to hand in the names and addresses. The Commissioner: Is it suggested I should allow the third-class passengers to be divided into groups, and each group to be separately represented? Dr. Wolfe: If your Lordship would allow me to suggest, I am sure I could work in harmony with my friend. The Commissioner: Then you must consult him, and when you have arrived at some sort of agreement, let me know. Dr. Wolfe: I can hand in the names and addresses. The Commissioner: You can hand it in together with the list which that gentleman is going to hand in. Mr. Harbinson: I wish to say, my Lord, that Mr. Farrell, who instructed me to make the previous application to your Lordship on behalf of the third-class passengers, represents almost the whole of the number, and tomorrow morning he can have authority practically from the whole. The Commissioner: Then what does that gentleman mean by telling me he represents a