Page 76 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 1 - 5
P. 76
895. Do you remember the Sunday, the day of the collision with an iceberg? - Yes. 896. During that day can you tell us whether it was particularly cold or not? - Yes, intense cold towards evening; in the day it was not very cold. 897. It got colder towards evening? - Yes. 898. I do not know whether you took the temperature of the water or whether you only speak of what it felt like about in the air? - I took the temperature of the water. 899. As well? - Yes. 900. (The Commissioner.) Was that part of your business? - Yes, my Lord. 901. (The Attorney-General.) When did you take it last before the collision? - A quarter to 10 - between a quarter and ten minutes to 10. 902. Did you take it at all before a quarter to 10 on that evening? - No. 903. Then you took it about a quarter to 10, and what was it? - I entered the reading in the logbook, but I can hardly remember at present. 904. Did you notice whether it was particularly cold? - Yes, intense cold. 905. Do you mean that is what you found from taking the temperature of the water? - Yes. 906. Can you tell us when it first began to get colder on that day? - As far as I remember I went on watch at eight o’clock; it was bitter cold then. 907. Colder than when you had been on watch before? - Yes. 908. When did you go off watch before? - At six o’clock, the first dog-watch. 909. You were in the first dog-watch, and you went off at six? - Yes. 910. And then you came on after the second dog-watch? - Yes. 911. When you came on watch at eight o’clock did you act as stand-by on the bridge? - Yes. 912. Who was at the wheel? - Quartermaster Oliver. 913. You remained there on the bridge? - When I was not running a message. 914. Did you get any instructions from the second officer to give to the carpenter? - Yes. 915. About when in point of time? - Just immediately after I got on the bridge; I could not tell you to a few minutes. 916. It would be a little after eight o’clock? - Yes. 917. What were the instructions you were to give to the carpenter? - To take his compliments down and tell him to look after his fresh water; it was going to freeze; the thermometer was very low. 918. He was to look after the fresh water; it was going to freeze; the thermometer was very low? - Yes. 919. Is that the fresh water in the tanks? - Yes. 920. Is that the carpenter’s business? - Yes, it is the carpenter’s duty. 921. When you had done that did you come back to the bridge? - Yes. 922. Did you see the carpenter? - Yes. 923. Did you tell him? - I came back and reported to Mr. Lightoller, the second officer in charge of the bridge. 924. (The Commissioner.) And he was the man who sent you to the carpenter? - Yes. 925. (The Attorney-General.) Soon after you returned to the bridge, did you hear a conversation between the second officer and another officer about the look-out? - Yes. 926. The second officer and what officer was it? - The sixth officer, Mr. Moody. 927. Tell us what you heard? - I heard Mr. Lightoller speak to Mr. Moody and tell him to speak through the telephone to the crow’s-nest to keep a sharp look-out for small ice and growlers until daylight and pass the word along to the look-out man. The Commissioner: Send a message to the crow’s-nest to do what - to keep a sharp look-out for ice? 928. (The Attorney-General.) Small ice and growlers, I think he said (To the Witness.) That is