Page 88 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 1 - 5
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the time. 1208. That is your best estimate? - Yes, Sir. 1209. Did you see the “Titanic” go down? - No, Sir. 1210. Did you see her lights? - The last time I looked I saw her lights. 1211. Was your back to her then? - Yes. I was steering away from her then. 1212. You were steering? - Yes. 1213. The last time you looked you saw the lights, and then you did not see them any more? - No, Sir. 1214. When you had got about a mile’s distance away, did you see the “Titanic” then? - Yes, Sir; I saw the lights. 1215. Were you facing her then? - No, Sir, going away from the ship all the time. 1216. I thought you stopped when you got about a mile’s distance? - It was about that time when we did not see the lights - when me and Bailey made our boats fast side by side. 1217. And you did not see the lights of the “Titanic” any more, is that what you mean? - Yes, Sir. I did not see the lights of the “Titanic” again after that. 1218. Let me see if I understand the story. You rowed away from the “Titanic,” and when you looked round you saw the lights there. As you were being rowed away from the “Titanic” you saw her lights? - Yes. 1219. When you got about a mile’s distance you stopped; and then when you looked you did not see the lights any more; is that right? - That is quite right, Sir. 1220. That is all you can tell us about what happened? - Yes. 1221. Is that right? - That is all, Sir. 1222. Did you hear any explosion? - Well, no, Sir. 1223. What does that mean, “Well no”? - Well, not that I could say that I heard any explosion. 1224. But you heard something - is that it? What is in your mind about it? - I do not think I heard any explosion. The Attorney-General: Do you mean you have heard other people talking of it; is that what you mean? The Commissioner: That is what he means. 1225. (The Attorney-General.) Is that what you mean? - No, I do not. 1226. (The Commissioner.) Do you mean to say you have not heard it said that there were explosions before the boat went down? - Yes, my Lord. I have heard those questions repeated and talked about, but I never heard them myself. 1227. (The Attorney-General.) Now, we understand what you mean. Did you look in your boat for a light? - I had a light served out to me before I left the ship. 1228. Who served it? - A lamp-trimmer, Sir. 1229. Do you remember his name? - No, I do not know his name - a stranger. 1230. And you took it on board with you? - Yes, Sir. 1231. Did you hear an order given to the lamp-trimmer to bring a light, or did he give you the light without your hearing an order? - I never heard any orders. I see him coming along with the lights, and he had orders to give me one of them. 1232. Orders from whom? - From Mr. Lightoller, the officer. 1233. Did he have any other lanterns with him? - Yes, Sir, several. 1234. Of the same kind that you had? - Yes, Sir. 1235. And he served you out one as he passed? - Yes, Sir. 1236. And then went along as far as you could see to the other boats: Is that right? - Yes, Sir. 1237. How many oars had you on board? - I do not know; there was not much time for counting the oars; I did not think much about the oars. 1238. But you had time afterwards? - I did not count them, Sir; I do not know.
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