Page 137 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
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carried the weight, but it would hardly be considered a seamanlike proceeding as far as the sailor side of it goes, but I certainly should not think that the lifeboats would carry it without some structural damage being done - buckling, or something like that. 13888. And had you those considerations in mind in deciding how many people should go in the boat? - Yes. 13888a. (The Solicitor-General.) The convenient thing, my Lord, is just to refer your Lordship to the evidence of Poingdestre. It is at page 83. It fits together here. Perhaps I may read a few questions, and Mr. Lightoller will hear them. It is Question 2958. He is asked, “Do you know how it comes that there were not more than 42 put into this boat?” That is boat No. 6? - Yes. 13889. And he says, “Well, the reason is that the falls would not carry any more. (Q.) You mean somebody was frightened of the falls? - (A.) Yes, the Second Officer, Mr. Lightoller.” Did you say anything aloud about it? - No. 13890. It is merely a conclusion the man came to? - Yes, I daresay, a seamanlike conclusion. 13891. You agree as many people were put into it as, in your judgment, was safe when it was in that position? - Yes. 13892. We are told about 40 or 42? - Yes, about that. 13893. Then did you give the order to lower away? - Yes. 13894. Did you give any further order to that boat, No. 6, as to what it was to do or where it was to go? - Not that I remember. I knew there was, if I may mention it, this light on the port bow about two points; I had already been calling many of the passengers’ attention to it, pointing it out to them and saying there was a ship over there, that probably it was a sailing ship as she did not appear to come any closer, and that at daylight very likely a breeze would spring up and she would come in and pick us up out of the boats, and generally reassuring them by pointing out the light; but whether I told them to pull towards the light I really could not say. I might have done and I might not. 13895. Here is a boat with only 42 people in it, and when it is water-borne everybody agrees it would safely carry more then? - Yes. 13896. Did you give any orders with the object of getting more people into it when it was in the water? - Yes, I see what you are alluding to now, the gangway doors. I had already sent the boatswain and 6 men or told the boatswain to go down below and take some men with him and open the gangway doors with the intention of sending the boats to the gangway doors to be filled up. So with those considerations in mind I certainly should not have sent the boats away. 13897. That is what I meant. Did you give any order or direction to the man in charge of boat No. 6 that he was to keep near or was to go to the gangway doors? - Not that I remember. The boats would naturally remain within hail. 13898. You do not recollect whether you gave any actual order to the man in charge? - No. 13899. It is just as well to read this question and answer. This man Poingdestre was asked, “Did Mr. Lightoller give you any orders as to what to do with the boat?”; and the answer was, “He gave me orders before the boat was lowered what to do. (Q.) What orders did he give you? - (A.) To lay off and stand by close to the ship”? - Perhaps I did; I daresay. 13900. Now let us pursue the two things you have mentioned. You say you gave those orders to the boatswain to go down with some men and open the gangway doors? - Yes. 13901. Will you point out on the starboard side where they are? - There are gangway doors one on each side there (Pointing on the model). 13902. About where you are pointing now? - Yes, there are two doors one above and one below on the starboard side, but there is only one on E deck on the port side. The other gangway doors are here. 13903. In the afterpart? - Yes. 13903a. What deck do those gangway doors open from? - E deck.