Page 176 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
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stewards, my Lord. The Commissioner: Well, somebody may think they do not. Mr. Scanlan: The men who would be useful, at all events, for launching and lowering boats, I take it, would be found primarily in the deck department, and would include, of course, the officers and the qualified seamen. The Commissioner: As far as I can ascertain there are no rules laid down by the Board of Trade by which you can determine how many of a crew a ship of a particular size is to carry. Mr. Scanlan: I think from those Articles the ship could have been cleared. The Commissioner: Sir John, can you tell me whether there is any rule published by the Board of Trade to the effect that a ship 500 feet long and 10,000 tons register or over must have a master, two mates, and ten efficient sailors? It appears to be an extraordinary rule, but it is suggested to me that there is such a rule. The Solicitor-General: I will have inquiries made about it at once. Mr. Scanlan: From the agreement and account of the crew which is signed by the Board of Trade, and made at the port of departure, I find there is incorporated in this agreement, and as a term of it, a regulation for preserving discipline issued by the Board of Trade. There is an account of the number of the crew that would be sufficient, and this is far less than the number that was actually carried. I can submit it to your Lordship. The Commissioner: That is what I meant. This steamer (whether it had enough or not is another question) was manned far away in excess of any requirements of the law. Mr. Scanlan: Yes, my Lord, of the Board of Trade; but, of course, my submission is the Board of Trade regulations and rules are themselves utterly deficient. The Commissioner: I quite understand that. 14506. (Mr. Scanlan - To the Witness.) There are just two other points I want to ask you. With regard to the route, what route were you pursuing in the “Titanic” on this voyage? - What is known as the outward southern route. 14507. Do you know that since the disaster to the “Titanic” this route has been voluntarily altered by agreement amongst shipowners, and that a more southerly course is being taken? - I believe so. 14508. (Mr. Scanlan.) I understand that is a fact, my Lord. (To the Witness.) One other obvious way for avoiding collisions with ice is to keep a more southerly course? - Yes. 14509. Were you with the ship during her trials? - I was. 14510. And the trials took place in Belfast Lough? - Exactly. 14511. And on the way to Southampton. Have you any way of changing the course of a ship than by the rudder, by the helm? - By the engines. 14512. Taking the ship going at full speed, or at a speed of 21 1/2 knots, in what distance could you turn her, if you put one propeller at full speed ahead and the other propeller at full speed or three-quarter speed astern? - No actual trials have been made to my knowledge with a ship travelling at that speed. 14513. Was any trial made as to what you could do with the ship by putting the two propellers in opposition to one another? - Yes, I believe so. 14514. Did you as an officer responsible from time to time for the navigation of this great ship know what could be done by reversing one propeller and sending the other ahead? - Do you mean the actual distance she would turn a circle in? 14515. Yes? - With the helm hard over I think she could turn in about three times her length. 14516. Does that mean with the helm hard over and one propeller directed full speed ahead and the other propeller astern? - No, I think that is with the ship going ahead and both engines going ahead. 14517. Was it not important to find out how her course could be changed by reversing one