Page 206 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
P. 206
15088. Were you able to go in the direction of the screams and render any assistance? - I did not go. 15089. But do you think you could have gone? I am not suggesting anything; I only want to get the facts from you. Do you think it would have been safe or reasonable to go? - I do not. 15090. What is your reason? - Well, there was such a mass of people in the water we should have been swamped. 15091. In your view you had a sufficient number of people on your boat. Is that so? - No, but I had too many in the boat to go back to the wreck. 15092. And I think you remained on, the men more or less lying on their oars till daylight, and then you were picked up by the “Carpathia”? - Yes; we lay at rest the remainder of the night. 15093. (The Commissioner.) Before you go into that there are two questions I want to put. (To the Witness.) Whereabouts were you when the “Titanic” sank? - About 200 yards away. 15094. On what side? - On the starboard quarter. 15095. Would that be about abreast of the mainmast? - About that, my Lord. 15096. (Mr. Butler Aspinall.) When you gave evidence in America you said this: I want to know if you say it is accurate. You were asked: “Can you fix the exact moment of time when the “Titanic” disappeared? - Two-twenty exactly, ship’s time. I took my watch out at the time she disappeared, and I said, ‘It is 2.20,’ and the passengers around me heard it.” 15097. Do you remember giving that evidence? - That is true, yes. 15098. That is correct? - Yes. 15099. I want you to give me the benefit of your views on this matter. One of the questions which will probably be asked is this: “Had the ‘Titanic’ the means of throwing searchlights around her. If so, did she make use of them to discover ice? Should searchlights have been provided and used?” In view of your experience of these waters and also as an officer and a sailor, what is your view as to the utility of searchlights when you are in the ice region? - They might be of some assistance. 15100. (The Commissioner.) Have you ever seen them used? - No, my Lord. 15101. (Mr. Butler Aspinall.) Have you ever considered the matter before I asked you the question? - No, I have never considered it before. 15102. (The Commissioner.) Do you know whether searchlights are used upon any Atlantic liners for the purpose of ascertaining whether there is ice? - I never heard of it, my Lord. Examined by Mr. SCANLAN. 15103. During your watches from 6 to 8 and previously from 12 till 4 were you in charge of the bridge? - No. 15104. Who was the officer with you? - The Chief, 2 to 6 in the afternoon. 15105. From 12 to 4? - The First and Chief. 15106. And from 6 to 8? - The Second. 15107. Was the whole of the knowledge that you had of icebergs obtained from the chart? The Commissioner: From the chart room. 15108. (Mr. Scanlan.) From the chart in the chart room? - No, from the Marconigrams. 15109. Were any Marconigrams handed to you from 12 to 4? - Not to me. 15110. Had you seen any Marconigram that reached the ship with reference to ice from 12 to 4 on Sunday? - I saw two that reached the ship that day. I have no idea what time they arrived. 15111. You saw two that day? - Yes. 15112. Do you know whether they were Marconigrams that had come the previous day, on the Saturday? - No, they came on the Sunday. 15113. Are you quite sure of that? - Yes.
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