Page 252 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
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Star Line? - Yes, a very clear arrangement. 16043. We need not, I think, go into that. Is it the practice with ships which have your installation that from time to time the records they have of messages sent and received come back to your office? - It is not only the practice, but it is the absolute rule. 16044. I think you call them procès-verbal, do not you? - The operator transcribes everything he does from the beginning of the voyage until the end of a voyage on a procès-verbal, and in addition to that he transcribes all messages sent and received upon special sent and received forms which are drawn up for the purpose; so that we have the procès-verbal, which is a log of the work done during the voyage, and we have the official records of the telegrams on special forms. These are all returned to the head office when the ship returns to port. 16045-6. That is the regular course of business? - That is the regular course of business. 16047. Had you got in your office, and I think you have brought here, the procès-verbal of the th “La Touraine” of the 12 April? - Yes, we have an extract from the procès-verbal. 16048. The “Caronia” of the 14th? - Yes. 16049. The “Amerika” of the 14th? - Yes, we have; those arrived this morning. 16050. The “Baltic” of the 14th? - Yes. 16051. The “Californian” of the 14th? - Yes. 16052. And the “Mesaba” of the 14th? - Yes, we have. I am not absolutely certain whether we have the “La Touraine” procès-verbal. 16053. It does not matter about that because it has been admitted practically? - But we have the official messages, Sir. 16054. Of course the records that were being made on the “Titanic” have all been lost, I presume; you have not any actual record? - No, but we have endeavoured to reconstitute the record of the “Titanic’s” communications just as the “Titanic” would have done it herself. 16055. Of course you can do that because there must always be two ends to every message? - Yes, that is so, and several ships have overheard the communications. The Solicitor-General: I think I will first take the messages from the ships I have mentioned. The first one, the “La Touraine,” I do not think there is any dispute about. The Commissioner: Just read it out. (To the Witness.) Are you able to check it when it is read out to you. The Commissioner: Then read it out and ask him if it is correct. 16056. (The Solicitor-General.) Yes. I have it in print before me, and I will read it out to you. “Office sent to M.G.Y. Time sent 7.10 p.m.” Is that the one? - Yes. 16057. What does “M.G.Y.” mean? - That is the call letters for the “Titanic.” 16058. That shows it was sent to the “Titanic”? - Yes. 16059. “No. 1. ‘La Touraine’ Office. 12 April, 1912. Prefix M.S.G.” What does “M.S.G.” mean? - That means “Master Service Message,” a message which is transmitted on the subject of the navigation of the ship. 16060. A message passing between one master and another? - Yes. 16061. The last letter is “G.” “Words 57. From ‘Touraine.’ To Capt. ‘Titanic.’ My position 7 p.m. G.M.T.” - Greenwich Mean Time - “lat. 49.28 long. 26.28 W. dense fog since this night crossed thick ice-field lat. 44.58 long. 50.40 ‘Paris’ saw another ice-field and two icebergs lat. 45.20 long. 45.09 ‘Paris’ saw a derelict lat. 40.56 long. 68.38 ‘Paris’ please give me your position best regards and bon voyage. Caussin”? - Quite correct. 16062. Do I understand rightly that the reference there to “Paris” which follows the longitude means that it is longitude from the meridian of Paris? - Yes. 16063. So a correction would have to be made to get Greenwich? - Yes, of course. 16064. That is the message from the “Touraine” to the “Titanic.” Can you find me the message which shows whether or not that was acknowledged by the “Titanic”? - Yes, I have it here.
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