Page 33 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
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like to correct. 11719. I think, your Lordship, you have that before you. I will hand it up. (The copy was handed to the Commissioner.) What is the mistake that you want to correct? - There is one mistake that was made there - that I rowed back, I think the Consul said, and saw the wreckage, but it should have been “I saw nothing.” 11720. You may perhaps be referring to something else. You mean the deposition you made in America? - Yes, first of all before the British Consul. 11721. I suppose this is what you are referring to, My Lord, I am now referring to his deposition made on 2nd May, 1912. The only passages I find which refer to this at all are these, and I think they contain the part he now wants to correct. It is quite short. It begins: “Shortly after I had got on the boat deck I noticed rockets being fired at very frequent intervals from the bridge, Morse signals being used; and at about 12.30 I saw about one point on the port bow distant some five or six miles a light which I took to be the stern light of a cod bank fisherman.” That is right? - That is right. 11722. “And after we had put off from No. 1 boat I saw this light still bearing in much the same direction and at about the same distance away. I saw no red or green lights at all at this time. At this time the forecastle-head of the “Titanic” was all awash; and when we were about a quarter of a mile off I heard two sharp explosions following each other rapidly. The “Titanic” seemed to me to split in two, the head disappearing completely, and the poop coming up and seeming to right itself for a moment, the lights all went suddenly out, and she seemed to take an upturn plunge, standing up on end, and with a roar she disappeared. We felt no effect of suction through her sinking at the point where we were, about a quarter of a mile away.” Now, listen to this, which I think is the only passage which relates to what happened when you were in the boat. “After waiting for a little we rowed back to where we thought the “Titanic” had disappeared, and it was difficult in the darkness to determine the spot, and we had no light in the boat, and we found nothing except some floating wreckage”? - That is where the mistake is - that “floating wreckage.” 11723. What is it you want to correct? - “I saw nothing.” That is all. 11724. You saw nothing? - That is right, Sir. The Commissioner: There is no reference here to any cries or to there being any people in the neighbourhood. The Attorney-General: There is no reference, my Lord, of any kind to it. That is all the reference there is to what happened except the description of the sinking of the “Titanic” and the wreckage, which he now says is a mistake. The Commissioner: The “floating wreckage”? The Attorney-General: Yes, I think, my Lord, this might be put in. I will put it in. 11725. (The Commissioner - To the Witness.) There is one point, you know, that I want to ask you. You said that you were surprised that no one in the boat suggested that you should go to the assistance of these drowning people. Do you remember saying that to me just now? - Yes. 11726. That you were surprised? - I expected fully for someone to say something about it? 11727. That seemed reasonable? - Yes, that seemed reasonable, Sir. 11728. But you would not have thought it was reasonable if they had said it? - Not at that time, no Sir. The Attorney-General: I am not going to read it now - it may be necessary to refer to it afterwards, but he has given evidence in America before the Committee. I think I handed that up, did not I? The Commissioner: No, you have not handed me anything up. 11729. (The Attorney-General.) This is it (The document was handed in.) That is his testimony given before Senator Perkins. (To the Witness.) I just want you to hear what you said there.
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