Page 46 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
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examine it with the glasses? - That is right. 11989. I suppose your duty as a look-out man is directly you pick up anything with the naked eye to report it and then examine it with glasses? - No, as a rule you examine it before you report. 11990. Would not you report something before you took time to examine it if you had already picked it up? - It is all according to the weather you are in. You may have a beautiful clear day or night when you see these things a long time before they see them on the bridge. In hazy weather it does not matter, because whatever you see coming through the gloom, you report it at once. 11991. On a clear night do you mean you do not report? - Yes, but you make sure before you report because you see such a long way. 11992. You see such a long way with the naked eye, do you mean? - Yes, you can see a long way with the naked eye. 11993. When are the glasses useful to you? In foggy weather or hazy weather? - In hazy weather, in making the land, and also if you have an order to look out for bergs or derelicts, they are very handy. Also on a clear night if you are going west with stars falling, they are handy to pick up the difference between a star and a light. 11994. As a rule, do I understand you prefer to trust to your naked eye to begin with? - Well, yes, you trust your naked eye. 11995. With regard to Mr. Murdoch, was he loading and lowering all the boats on the starboard side you saw go? - Yes, all the ones I saw go. 11996. Did you hear any order given about a gangway? - No, I never heard any order about a gangway. 11997. You know what I mean by a gangway? - Yes, I know what you mean. 11998. You heard nothing about that? - No. 11999. Did he tell you to lie off a short way? - Yes. 12000. And come back when called on? - Yes. 12001. Did you hear anyone with a megaphone on the “Titanic” after you got down to the sea? - No one whatever. 12002. Is this your first shipwreck? - My first one. Re-examined by the ATTORNEY-GENERAL. 12003. Do you know Mr. Lowe, the fifth officer? - I only knew him personally this trip. 12004. Was he close to the emergency boat No. 1? - I never saw him at all that night. The Attorney-General: I have read the statement. I have no objection to my friend putting it in if he thinks it desirable. Mr. Duke: I merely produced it for the information of the Board of Trade or the Law Officers. The Attorney-General: I have only been very hurriedly through it, but I think I am right in saying that you do not mention in that statement that you had been ordered to pull away, to stand by, and to come back when you were called? The Witness: No, in a statement like that you would not give it; you would give it to the proper people. 12005. It is not in it? - No, it is not in it. 12006. Did you hear an order given for the emergency boat to remain within hail of the ship? - No; the only order I heard given is what I have said. 12007. It is suggested that Mr. Lowe, the fifth officer, gave this order three times in a loud and distinct voice. Do you say you did not hear it? - I neither heard it, nor did I see Mr. Lowe. The only officer I saw was Mr. Murdoch.