Page 5 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
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give such evidence as was required; but they did not arrive in London, I think, until Tuesday. Their proofs were taken either Wednesday or yesterday - I think yesterday - and I saw my friend as we came in this morning, and I mentioned to him that I have proofs here; and if the Court thinks that the more desirable course is that I should hand to the Law Officers those proofs, and the Law Officers should examine them, I am content to do that. I am, of course, aware of the contents of the proofs, and I am ready to examine them if your Lordship thinks fit. The Attorney-General: I have really no choice in the matter. I am quite ready to call them and follow the course that has been pursued here by calling them, and putting such questions to them as may be necessary for the purpose of elucidating the subject matter of this portion of the Inquiry if your Lordship thinks that that is the more convenient course. The Commissioner: I think it would be more regular if you call them, Mr. Attorney. The Attorney-General: As your Lordship pleases. The Commissioner: And make them witnesses in connection with the Inquiry. The Attorney-General: Certainly. The Commissioner: If during the evidence anything should come out which appears to throw discredit upon either the lady or the gentleman, then I will allow Mr. Duke to ask them any questions which he thinks fit. Mr. Duke: If your Lordship pleases. The Commissioner: And see if it can be cleared up. The Attorney-General: I shall be obliged if my friend will supply me with a copy of the proofs. Mr. Duke: I will at once. The Attorney-General: My friend will understand that I am making no complaints of our not having had any proofs from Sir Cosmo and Lady Duff-Gordon. Mr. Duke: I am much obliged to my friend. I perfectly understood it, only I wanted to make it clear that Sir Cosmo and Lady Duff-Gordon desired to be present and give evidence. The Commissioner: I think the examination of Hendrickson by you was complete? The Attorney-General: Yes, not only by us, but also by all those who represented the various interests. The Commissioner: Yes. The Attorney-General: Except the representatives of the White Star Line. The Commissioner: Yes; Sir Robert Finlay applied for a postponement. The Attorney-General: The evidence is at pages 109 to 116, and Sir Robert applied, as your Lordship quite correctly says, at first to defer it till the morning, and then, on the next morning, we agreed it should be deferred till this morning. If your Lordship would like the particular passages which bear upon this part of the Enquiry, you will find them at page 112,beginning at Question 4994. That is the beginning of the reference to Sir Cosmo and Lady Duff-Gordon. That continues for the whole of page 113, and then there are some further passages on page 115. Mr. Duke: There is a little at the top of page 113, I think, Mr. Attorney? The Attorney-General: That is only as to names, is it not? Mr. Duke: Perhaps that is so. The Attorney-General: I agree. I have noticed that, but that only gives the names of the persons who were in the boat. Mr. Duke: I was referring to 5065 in particular. The Attorney-General: Yes, quite right. The Commissioner: Page 113? The Attorney-General: Yes, my Lord. There is nothing very material there; you have already got it, but 5065 is the question my friend, Mr. Duke, referred to. It ends at 5070. It is only just a few questions, and I think if you read 5065, it is the only one which is of importance on this. Then if you will look at page 114 about Question 5132, and I think they continue to about 5170.
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