Page 57 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
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Examined by Mr. LAING. 12303. Just one question. When you were ordered into this boat, how long did you stay before you were lowered away? - We stayed a little while, I could not say what time it was, not properly. 12304. Were there any passengers on that deck that you could see when you were lowered away? - Not near that boat. (The Witness withdrew.) The Attorney-General: I am going to call another witness who was in the bow of the boat, but Captain Barr is here of the “Caronia.” I think the questions to put to him are only two, and I would like to call him to let him go. He wants to get back. I hardly think it is necessary to call him; but I will tell your Lordship what the point is. The Commissioner: Tell me what it is he is going to say. The Attorney-General: Your Lordship will remember when I opened the case I told you that from the “Caronia” there was a wireless message sent to the “Titanic” at 9 o’clock in the morning, warning Captain Smith of ice. The Commissioner: Yes. The Attorney-General: And there was an acknowledgment by Captain Smith, somewhere about a quarter to ten that morning on April 14th, of the receipt of the Marconigram. I will just read those two, and that is all I need do, I think; and I will give your Lordship the latitude and longitude in which he was. We can work it out afterwards for ourselves. JAMES CLAYTON BARR, Sworn. Examined by the ATTORNEY-GENERAL. The Commissioner: Just read those to him. 12305. (The Attorney-General - To the Witness.) You are master of the Cunard steamship “Caronia”? - Yes. 12306. You had left New York on April 10th of this year for Liverpool? - Yes. 12307. On that morning of the 14th of April, that is, on the Sunday morning, do you remember sending this Marconigram to the “Titanic”; “West-bound steamers report bergs, growlers and field ice in 42 N. from 49 to 51 W.”? - Yes, I remember sending it. 12308. That is sent, I see from your note, at nine o’clock in the morning. That is ship’s time, I suppose? - Yes, ship’s time. 12309. And did you receive a reply at 9.44 a.m., your ship’s time? - Yes, as per that statement. 12310. The reply is: “Thanks for message and information. Have had variable weather throughout - Smith”? - That is true. 12311. Can you give us the latitude and longitude of your ship when you sent this Marconigram? The Commissioner: I thought I had got it. 12312. (The Attorney - General.) No, that is what he says the west-bound steamers had reported to him. (To the Witness.) What I wanted was to get your position. We can work out for ourselves where you were? - I could not give you that position from memory. It is not usual to take the position on sending a message. 12313. But do you know about where you were? - Well, no, I could not even tell you about where I was then. He did not give me his, you know.
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