Page 84 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
P. 84
No, nothing. 12794. Now, with regard to the boat. At the time you got into it were you aware what amount of accommodation there was or was not in it? - No; I only knew that it was not a lifeboat, and we were bundled in over the side, and every available or visible seat was occupied, and I was unable to sit next my wife, which I wished to do. I could see nothing. It was quite dark on the deck, and it was quite dark in the boat, but I remember those oars alongside, which I could clearly see would have made the boat - 12795. Which occupied part of the thwarts? - I suppose the whole of the side seats. I did not know even that there were side seats. 12796. You do not suggest other than that there were additional places in that boat? - Oh, yes, there were. 12797. I daresay when the daylight came you were able to see what the boat could have done? - Yes. 12798. Now, with regard to an order given by the officer, will you tell me again as nearly as you can recall it what it was you heard the officer say to Symons with regard to the boat? - It was my impression - I am not very sure of it - I understood it was, “Follow the other boats and row fast for the first 200 yards.” 12799. That was your impression? - That was my impression. 12800. Have you a distinct memory or not about that? - No, that is what I thought it was. 12801. When the boat had started from the ship’s side it rowed sharply for some distance? - Yes. 12802. Then she rested? - Yes. How many starts and rowings and restings were there as far as you can recall, or can you recall, before the “Titanic” went down? 12803. (The Commissioner.) Can you recall anything about it in this connection? - Yes, my Lord, I can recall that they stopped rowing several times and went on again, I daresay, five or six times, or four or five times. 12804. Did you count them? - Oh, no. 12805. (Mr. Duke.) If I were to ask you if you had a vivid recollection of any of the events during the period after the boat had been launched and you were floated, what would your answer be? - I should say, “No - nothing vivid.” I do not think it is possible to have a vivid recollection under those circumstances. 12806. You told the Attorney-General what your impression was as to the distance you had reached from the ship? - Yes. 12807. Do you profess to be certain about it or not? - No, but I have been telling friends we were about a thousand yards off; it was my impression then, and it is still, I suppose. 12808. I want to ask you a question about the period after the “Titanic” had sunk. From what quarter of the sea, as far as you could judge, were cries coming? Was there a distinct locality from which you could judge the cries were coming or not? - I think not. 12809. After the “Titanic” had sunk was there any object which would give you a mark or which would have given Symons a mark for rowing? - No, everything was dark. We had been watching that. 12810. The sea was dark? - The sea was dark. 12811. And it was dark in the boat? - Quite dark in the boat. 12812. Are you able to say if there was any definite direction of rowing during the first hour after the “Titanic” had gone down? - I do not think there was any definite order of rowing given at all. I did not hear. 12813. I did not mean by “direction” an order, but any definite direction? - No. 12814. That is an apparent destination? - No, I did not know of it.
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