Page 94 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 10 -13
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see that he steered the boat round, and we must have pulled in the direction of where the ship sank. 13004. How far? - It is impossible to tell you how far. 13005. Do you wish us to understand that the boat was pulled back in the direction of the drowning people? - Yes, right in the direction of where the ship sank. 13006. Did you get close to them? - We got until we came into contact with the boats that left the ship after we left. 13007. But I meant close to the people where the cries had been? - Yes, where the cries had come from. 13008. Is it your evidence that you went back to where the cries came from? - As far as I can tell you, to my idea. 13009. Were the cries still going on while you were rowing back? - They continued about 10 minutes, and we heard nothing afterwards. 13010. While rowing back towards the direction of the cries, is it your evidence that those cries went on for about 10 minutes? - That is it. 13011. According to your evidence, this boat did go back and try to save life? - Well, of course, we would have saved lives if we had come across any to save. 13012. Your evidence is that the boat went back with the object of trying to save life? - To do our level best. 13013. Is that accurate evidence? - That is quite right. 13014. You are sure about this story you are telling us? - I am quite sure- sure as that I took the oath on that Book. The Commissioner: You have got a proof there, I suppose? 13015. (Mr. Butler Aspinall.) Yes, my Lord; but I do not think it helps me. (To the Witness.) Did you make a statement before an official when you came to this country? - I did. 13016. You did tell him (I see it here) “We felt a little suction, but we pulled hard with our oars.” That was pulling away? - That is quite right. 13017. “We went to the spot whence came the cries, but discovered nothing”? - That is right; that is as near as I can tell you. 13018. And then you said that as your boat was not full you could have saved quite half a dozen more people? - That is quite right. The Commissioner: That is substantially what he says now. 13019. (Mr. Butler Aspinall - To the Witness.) Did you see a light while you were in the boat? - Yes, we saw a light. 13020. What did you think it was, a vessel’s light or a star? - To my idea - I am not much of a sailor, but I have been a fireman for practically all my life - I thought it looked like a stern light, but it might have been a masthead light. In the distance it looked like a stern light. Examined by Mr. SCANLAN. 13021. When something was said about suction, how far were you from the “Titanic”? - About 100 yards, as near as I can tell you, but I have given you to understand that I am no judge of distances. 13022. How long had you stopped in that position at 100 yards distant from the “Titanic”? - That is another hard question to ask me, because at a time like that time seems so long. It may have been 10 minutes or a quarter of an hour. 13023. Could you give my Lord any notion of the length of time? - We lay on our oars broadside to the ship. 13024. At that time did you hear someone in the boat say, “There is danger here; we had better
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