Page 134 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
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the ship. I had nothing to do with the navigation. 18426. Yet you were the Managing Director and he thought it of sufficient importance to bring you the first Marconigram which he had shown to you on this voyage and to give it you, and then you put it in your pocket? - Yes. 18427. And you, of course, appreciated that that report meant to you that you were approaching ice, as you told us? - Yes. 18428. And you knew also that you would be approaching ice that night? - I expected so, yes. 18429. And that you therefore would be crossing the particular region which was indicated in that Marconigram that night? - I could not tell that. 18430. About that region? - Yes, I presume so. 18431. And therefore that it behoved those responsible for the navigation of the ship to be very careful? - Naturally. 18432. And more particularly if you were approaching ice in the night it would be desirable, would it not, to slow down? - I am not a navigator. 18433. (The Commissioner.) Answer the question. - I say no. I am not a navigator. The Attorney-General: You are not quite frank with us, Mr. Ismay. Sir Robert Finlay: The Attorney-General will forgive me; I do not think there is the slightest justification for that remark. 18434. (The Attorney-General.) You have told me now what your answer is. What was your answer? - I should say if a man can see far enough to clear ice, he is perfectly justified in going full speed. 18435. Then apparently you did not expect your Captain to slow down when he had ice reports? - No, certainly not. The Commissioner: That is the evidence of one of the witnesses. The Attorney-General: Yes, my Lord, I know. The Commissioner: Of course, if you had got a perfect look-out and there is nothing to prevent you from seeing, then there is no occasion to slow down. The Witness: I should say none at all. 18436. You could see the ice then a long way off, and it would not be necessary to slow down for icebergs? - Presumably so, yes. 18437. (The Attorney-General.) What is the object of continuing at full speed through the night if you expect to meet ice? Why do you do it? - What is the use of doing it? 18438. Yes? - I presume that the man would be anxious to get through the ice region. He would not want to slow down upon the chance of a fog coming on. 18439. So that, of course, the object of it would be to get through it as fast as you could? - I presume that if a man on a perfectly clear night could see far enough to clear an iceberg he would be perfectly justified in getting through the ice region as quickly as he possibly could. 18440. Now, I want to put a statement to you. Do you know a Mrs. Douglas? - I do not. 18441. Do you know a Mrs. Ryerson, of Philadelphia? - Yes, I met her on board the ship. 18442. And she, I gather from what you said just now, was one of the two lady passengers to whom you mentioned the Marconigram in the afternoon? - That is true. 18443. You showed her the wireless message, did you not? - I read it to her, I think. 18444. Now, I want to put to you this: Did she say to you (I am speaking now of what took place on the Sunday. I will put the whole conversation to you, and see if it helps your recollection): “Of course you will slow down,” and did you reply, “Oh, no; we will put on more boilers to get out of it”? - Certainly not. 18445. It seems to have been rather in accordance with your view, that the faster you could get out of the region the better? - Assuming the weather was perfectly fine, I should say the Captain was perfectly justified in going full speed.
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