Page 143 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
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Examined by Mr. SCANLAN. 18631. Is it the case that since the disaster to the “Titanic” a more Southern route, both Westward and Eastward, has been agreed to by the companies? - Yes, it is. 18632. And at the present time are your ships and other liners in the Atlantic taking a more Southern route than the one which was taken at the time the accident happened to the “Titanic”? - They are. 18633. I think the difference in mileage which this alteration makes is about 150 miles? - I could not tell you that. The Commissioner: What do you mean by that; does it lengthen the voyage by 150 miles? Mr. Scanlan: Yes, my Lord. The Commissioner: How much further South is it? Mr. Scanlan: I was going to ask that question, my Lord. The Witness: I could not tell you that. The Commissioner: I am told they would get to a point about 180 miles South; that is to say, the turning point is about 180 miles further South than the turning point in the old route. 18634. (Mr. Scanlan.) Yes. (To the Witness.) I suppose working on this track, you would be out of the region of the disaster to the “Titanic”? - Yes; but I think I am correct in saying that ice has been reported on this track. 18635. Since? - I believe so. 18636. But of your own knowledge you do not know? - No. 18637. (The Commissioner.) How much further South would you have to go to sight the Azores? - I am afraid I could not answer that, my Lord. 18638. (Mr. Scanlan.) Did your Company or did you yourself move in having this route altered? - I do not know what was done; I was in America at the time the alteration was made. 18639. (The Commissioner.) But have not you asked? - No, I have not. The Commissioner: Is there anyone who can tell us, Sir Robert? The Witness: Yes, Mr. Sanderson will be able to tell you. Sir Robert Finlay: Mr. Sanderson will tell us. The Commissioner: What does he say? Who was it suggested the alteration? Mr. Sanderson: The matter was under discussion amongst the British lines, and about that time a telegram came from the Germans and asked if we would join with them in adopting a more Southern track, and we then got together and agreed on a Southern track, which has subsequently been altered again. The Commissioner: That is while Mr. Ismay was in America? The Witness: I was in America at the time. Mr. Scanlan: I have the route map showing the alteration. The Commissioner: I have it; I have the altered route. 18640. (Mr. Scanlan.) During the voyage had you any conversation with the Captain as to speed? - I had no conversation with the Captain with regard to speed or any point of navigation whatever. 18641. Or as to the time of landing? - Or as to the time of landing. 18642. And you gave him no instructions? - Absolutely none. 18643. On either of those points? - No. 18644. When you had the conversation with reference to speeding up, who was present? - Mr. Bell only and my secretary. 18645. Mr. Bell, your secretary, and yourself? - Yes. 18646. What is the name of your secretary? - Mr. Harrison.