Page 188 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
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that the total number of passengers is 2,603, which added to the 944 of crew gives that same figure of 3,547 which is in the Passenger Certificate. That is where it comes from. Then he also says, “That the certificates of the Master, Mates, and Engineers are such as are required by the Merchant Shipping Act.” Your Lordship has this form before you, and it is on that, that the Passenger Certificate is issued if your Lordship will look at the last page, it is the right hand of those two pages, and the reference back to page 2 of the form will show your Lordship that he certifies for passengers. What I have handed up to your Lordship last is the survey, which justifies the certificate for a passenger ship. Now, this ship, I think, Mr. Sanderson, passed not only as a passenger ship, but as an emigrant ship? - She did. 19100. And for the purpose of showing it satisfies the Board of Trade that it is an emigrant ship is there a separate document? - Yes, there is. The Solicitor-General: The Attorney-General points out to me that that Report of Survey ought also just to be handed in, in order that your Lordship may see it, because it is more stringent. (The Report was handed in.) I will hand up the Attorney-General’s copy, if I may. The Commissioner: What is the date of it? 19101. (The Solicitor-General.) The certificate is dated the 12th April, 1912, and is signed by Mr. William Tillar. This is the report of the survey of an emigrant ship - some of the material is the same. If your Lordship will turn to the third page you will see it is headed, “Reports by Board of Trade Officers,” and No. 1 is: “A passenger certificate is in force for this vessel, and no damage to the hull or engines has been reported since its issue, I am satisfied that the hull, boilers and machinery are in good condition and fit for the voyage.” Your Lordship will see that there is a reference in the margin to the document we just looked at before. Then No. 2 refers to the distilling apparatus, there is no point about that, and No. 3 refers to the fresh water on board, which is certified to amount to so many gallons. Then No. 4 is: “The coal on board is certified to amount to 5,892 tons, which is sufficient to take the ship to her next coaling port.” Then No. 5 is the important one: “I have inspected the boats and their equipments, and have seen 16 swung out and lowered into the water. The lifebelts are in order and are conveniently placed. The distress signals and their magazine and the other equipments comply with the regulations and are to my satisfaction.” That is signed by Mr. Carruthers on the 3rd of April, 1912. Then the 6th is: “The various steerage compartments comply with the regulations as regards light, air and ventilation, and measurement for the numbers for which they are fitted. No cargo is stowed so as to affect the health or comfort of the steerage passengers.” And the 7th is: “I have inspected the provisions which are sufficient for 1,150 adults; and the quality of the provisions and water for the passengers and crew is entirely to my satisfaction.” Then the 8th is: “I have inspected the medical stores, and they comply both as to quality and quantity with the Regulations, and are to my satisfaction.” Then, my Lord, turning over to the back of the page, I do not think No. 9 matters, but No. 10 says: “I was on board this ship immediately before she sailed. I saw two boats swung out and lowered into the water. From the foregoing reports of inspection, and from what I saw myself, I was satisfied that the ship was in all respects fit for the intended voyage, and that the requirements under the Merchant Shipping Acts have been complied with.” That is the Certificate of Captain Clarke, of Southampton. Then last of all the report says: “I have satisfied myself that everything on board this vessel is in order, and have issued the necessary Certificate for Clearance.” (To the Witness.) And it is the Certificate of Clearance which would enable the ship to sail, I imagine, Mr. Sanderson? - That is true. The Solicitor-General: Of course, your Lordship appreciates that we will call the Board of Trade people about it, but it is well for your Lordship to see this now. The Commissioner: What does Mr. Tillar’s note certify? The Attorney-General: He is a Surveyor, my Lord, of the Board of Trade. The Commissioner: But what does he certify to?