Page 221 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
P. 221
19456. And your boat station list (I do not know that my Lord has seen the actual document) contains in each boat some two engineers and some half a dozen firemen, or in some cases there are firemen allocated. There is space for them? - I think so. 19457. Of course, as you say, everybody who is on the list is not meant to go in the boat? - I think that is so. 19458. But they are supposed to be of some use at the boat stations? - Yes. 19459. And the firemen included? - Yes. 19460. Of course, if the firemen were no use in the boats there would always be a tendency to shut them out as being either of no use or as occupying space which passengers would take up; if they were no use that would be the tendency? - I think, obviously, the officers would select the best men. 19461. And, of course, if the firemen do not go, the tendency will be that the engineers and officers’ staff will not go either? - I do not think that follows at all. 19462. You know, of course, that no engineers went in this case, and that there always is a very large percentage of firemen drowned in these cases? - I think there is a very good reason which you need not be afraid of. 19463. I just want to pursue this topic at the moment. I want to carry this question of training a little further. Of course, you have a difficulty with the crew apart from the firemen; they do not like drills and matters of that sort, I understand you to say? - I do not think we have had any difficulty except with one rating - the firemen. 19464. That may arise from reluctance to do another man’s job, or it may be that they are tired? - I am afraid I cannot say. 19465. Now I want you to consider whether that may not be overcome now with the goodwill of the unions, and whether, if some bonus is offered, that would not facilitate matters? - It does not seem a reasonable thing that we should have to offer a man a bonus to make himself efficient. 19466. You know, of course, that in certain branches, for instance, in His Majesty’s Navy, there are very important and laborious operations, such as coaling ships, that they have to go through, which are carried out with extraordinary facility. The Commissioner: What are you trying to make out? Mr. Roche: I want to make out or suggest to the Witness that in some way some practical suggestion should be made by which all ratings could be made efficient to man the boats. I wanted to see whether the Witness could not help us. The Commissioner: I thought you were suggesting that some additional pay ought to be made. Mr. Roche: Yes, that was the suggestion, my Lord. The Commissioner: That seems to me to be very remote from our Enquiry. Mr. Roche: I have made the suggestion, and, having made the suggestion, I thought nothing was remote which could in a sense add to the efficiency of the boats. The Commissioner: But you know, I do not like these different suggestions coming from different gentlemen that these men ought to be paid more money. Mr. Roche: This is an entirely disinterested suggestion as far as my clients are concerned, my Lord. It is only in the interest of their lives that this suggestion is made; it does not touch their pockets at all. The Commissioner: As I understand, you suggest that they ought to be paid more money in order to make them more efficient in working the boats. 19467. (Mr. Roche.) I am suggesting that the firemen should do so for the safety of all concerned, but there was no suggestion made that the engineers should be so trained or should be paid extra. (To the Witness.) I think you understand my suggestion, that it relates simply to firemen in the interests of the general safety of everybody concerned? - Yes.