Page 84 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
P. 84
17461. Were there any women on deck when you left? - I think there were. 17462. Were they willing to go into the boat? - I could not say. Mr. Lightoller sang out for more women and none seemed to come. 17463. None came? - None came. 17464. You did not leave behind any women who wanted to get into the boat I suppose? - [No Answer.] 17465. I understood you to say some time ago the women on the deck refused to get in? - I did not say refused. 17466. Well I thought you did? - Did you? Would not get in. What did you say to it? I want to understand. The Commissioner: As far as I am concerned you need not trouble him with any more questions. 17467. (Sir Robert Finlay.) I am obliged to your Lordship. (To the Witness.) Now just one or two questions with regard to the iceberg. Did you describe it when you gave evidence in the United States, on the other side of the water, as a black mass when you saw it? - Yes. 17468. And did you say that you estimated that it was 50 or 60 feet above the water? - Did I say that? No, I said it was little higher than the forecastle head when he asked me that. 17469. I will just read you what you said on 23rd April, at page 16, about it. “I reported an iceberg right ahead, a black mass.” Is that right? - Yes, that is right. 17470. And then on page 18 - this is also on the 23rd April - this question is put to you: “How large did it get to be finally when it struck the ship”? - that is the iceberg. “(A.) When we were alongside it was a little bit higher than the forecastle head. (Q.) The forecastle head is how high above the waterline? - (A.) Fifty feet, I should say. (Q.) About fifty feet? - (A.) Yes. (Q.) So that this black mass, when it finally struck the boat, turned out to be about fifty feet above the water? - (A.) About fifty or sixty. (Q.) Fifty or sixty feet above the water? - (A.) Yes. (Q.) And when you first saw it it looked no larger than these two tables? - (A.) No, Sir.” Was that about the height, as far as you can judge? - [No Answer.] The Commissioner: I think we can form our own opinion as to the height of it; obviously it must have been above the forecastle head because ice fell from it on to the forecastle. Sir Robert Finlay: Yes, my Lord. The Attorney-General: Higher than the forecastle, and lower than the crow’s-nest. 17471. (Sir Robert Finlay.) As your Lordship points out, it must have been higher than 55 feet; how much higher we do not know. (To the Witness.) Did you notice where the blow was struck, where the “Titanic” was struck? You said on the starboard bow? - Just before the foremast. The Commissioner: That means just in front, on the starboard side of the crow’s-nest? 17472. (Sir Robert Finlay.) Yes, my Lord, exactly. (To the Witness.) Did the “Titanic” answer the helm, going to port, while you were still at the telephone? - I do not know. 17473. Well, just let me recall to your memory what you appear to have said in America. On the 23rd April, at page 18, you are asked this: “Do you know whether her engines were reversed?” That is the “Titanic’s” engines. You say, “Well, she started to go to port while I was at the telephone. (Q.) She started to go to port? - (A.) Yes; the wheel was put to starboard. (Q.) How do you know that? - (A.) My mate saw it and told me. He told me he could see the bow coming round.” Is that right, that the ship was going round to port while you were still at the telephone? - Yes. 17474. And then the same thing on the 24th April, page 3, “Did you notice how quickly they turned the course of the boat after you sounded the gongs? - No, Sir; they did not do it until I went to the telephone. While I was at the telephone the ship started to move.” That means to answer her helm to answer the starboard helm and turn to port? - Yes. 17475. There is only one other matter. Do you remember any conversation with Mr. Lightoller
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