Page 100 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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Examined by Mr. LAING. 21476. Was it not contemplated in 1909 to fit hollow tubes for davits in the “Olympic” and the “Titanic”? - It was considered. The Commissioner: I think Mr. Edwards has made this part of the case very clear now. His questions have made it clear. 21477. (Mr. Laing.) Yes, my Lord, I thought it was clear. I only wanted to show the reason why and the reason was as I understand it that tubular davits were considered at one time? - They were, and afterwards the Welin’s davit was adopted. That is the only point I was going to make, and if it is clear I will not go on. 21478. (The Attorney-General.) I think Mr. Carlisle agrees. The Witness: Yes, we fitted a great many of those. 21479. (Mr. Laing.) The only point I will ask is this, and if you agree with me I shall not ask any more about it. The meetings which you refer to were meetings at which the model of the Welin davit was introduced for the purpose of considering its advantages as a davit? - No, they had had them in their ships before, it did not require to be considered. 21480. That was the object with which you took models down? - It was only a drawing; I took no models. 21481. The drawing was supplied to you by Welin himself? - From a sketch I sent him. 21482. Well, he does not say so. However, you say you sent him a sketch? - The idea is my own. 21483. What? The Welin idea is your own? - No, certainly not, but four boats was my idea. 21484. The sketch he sent, as a matter of fact, showed three boats? - It shows four. 21485. In his letter which is a letter to yourself, he says: “I am sending a sketch showing three boats on one pair of davits”? - He may have sent others, but that is his photograph there, so that you can take it. 21486. I think, if I may adopt my Lord’s suggestion, Mr. Edward’s question made that point clear. Did you say you personally considered the “Olympic” and “Titanic” had not sufficient boats? - That was my idea. 21487. Were you a party to the Report of the Advisory Committee of 1911? - I was. 21488. Are you aware that if the conditions required by the Board of Trade had been carried out your recommendations would involve the carrying of fewer boats than was in fact carried? - Yes. 21489. How can you justify your signing this report if that is your opinion? - I was asked to join that Committee two days before it finished. They had come to certain conclusions on certain points, and the Chairman drew my attention to the fact that if I pushed my idea for all ships the Bill would have to go back - any Bill connected with shipping would have to go back on all those ships, and it would not be fair; and they had no doubt that big ships would fit more boats than were required by the Board of Trade? - Do you mean you signed this document without agreeing with it? 21490. (The Commissioner.) Answer that question; it is very simple. - I did not consider it satisfactory, and I told them so, but I signed it. 21491. It is a very strange thing to do, to sign something you are not satisfied with, pretending, by signing it, that you are satisfied with it? - Well, I quite confess that it looks very extraordinary, but from what occurred at the meeting, if any of you had been present you would have seen the exact reasons for agreeing not to force it, and to bring the whole thing up again that had been worked at for I do not know how long - weeks or months. 21492. Do you want to go back on what you signed? - I certainly do not think it is enough, but