Page 130 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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never knew a bad look-out on these steamers, especially when you are in the ice region - not necessarily because ice was reported, but from longitude 44 to 51 we are always looking out for it. 21895. If a haze comes on, is it the duty of the man in the crow’s-nest to report it to the bridge? - No, Sir, it is not; we would know it quicker than he would, or just as quick, because we always see the little blur on the green light. 21896. It is the business of the man on the bridge to notice it? - Yes. 21897. And to give directions accordingly? - Call the Captain of the ship immediately. Further examined by Sir ROBERT FINLAY. 21898. May I suggest one question with regard to what the witness said as to what Mr. Lightoller said? You said that you thought that if there had been a swell the white of the waves breaking at the foot of the iceberg would not be seen further than the iceberg itself? - I do not think it would be seen as far, unless there was a sea on. Then you would see the breakers just like breakers breaking on the beach. 21899. I am speaking only of an ordinary swell? - No, I should think you would see the berg first. 21900. You are speaking of the icebergs of which you have experience - white icebergs? - Yes. 21901. Suppose you had a black iceberg? - I would not see it, I suppose. 21902. Would the white of the waves, if there was a swell, be seen further under those circumstances? - Oh, yes, of course, according to the amount of sea. 21903. You were speaking of the white icebergs with which you are familiar? - Quite so, yes. Further examined by the ATTORNEY-GENERAL. 21904. I understood you to say that you had never seen a black iceberg. Is that so? - Yes. 21905. Have you ever heard of one? - Never till I read of it in the papers. (The Witness withdrew.) CAPTAIN FRANCIS SPURSTOW MILLER, Sworn. Examined by the ATTORNEY-GENERAL. 21906. Are you Assistant Hydrographer at the Admiralty? - I am. 21907. And you attend here on behalf of the Admiralty to give the views of the Admiralty to my Lord and the Court? - Yes. 21908. I want to ask you particularly with reference to searchlights. First of all, in the Admiralty you have searchlights on board ship, and they are certainly more used there than in the Mercantile Marine? - Very much so. 21909. They have a greater experience of searchlights, or the best experience at any rate. In your view, are these searchlights on board ship of great value in detecting an ice-field or an iceberg? - Yes, I should imagine they were. Sir Robert Finlay: I do not gather that this gentleman has any experience, because, in answer to the question, he said: “I should imagine they were.” The Attorney-General: I do not understand you. Are you objecting to the evidence? Sir Robert Finlay: Yes, I do object. The witness is asked whether searchlights are of value in detecting ice. In reply, the witness does not say that he has any experience with regard to the use