Page 136 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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21966. What have you offered them? - Half a day’s pay to come down on Tuesday, the day before sailing, and take part in the boat drills. 21967. And have they refused that offer? - Not one appeared. That was equal to a refusal. 21968. (The Commissioner.) How much is half a day’s pay? - I should say, my Lord, it is about 2s. 4d. I believe that is the exact amount, for work which, I think, will take about two hours. 21969. (Mr. Raymond Asquith.) I think you produce the compass deviation card, do you not? - Yes. (The compass deviation card was handed in.) 21970. Have you had experience of the North Atlantic yourself? - About nine years, I think. 21971. Have you formed any views with regard to the use of searchlights for detecting ice? - Yes. 21972. What are your views? - I do not believe in them myself. 21973. Have you used them in fact? - No. 21974. (The Commissioner.) You have had no experience? - Not of searchlights, no my Lord, except during the time I served in the navy. I was in the navy for twelve months, and I saw them used there. 21975. (Mr. Raymond Asquith.) With regard to the use of glasses, or binoculars, have you any opinion upon that subject? - I never have believed in them. Examined by Mr. SCANLAN. 21976. Do you agree with the evidence of the two previous Captains we have had, Captain Hayes and Captain Passow, that on a clear night an iceberg can be seen at six or seven miles distance? - On a clear night I should think so, yes. 21977. If on this night we have it on the evidence of Mr. Lightoller that an iceberg could only be seen about a mile and a half or two miles, would you say that the night must not have been clear? - I should think a great deal depends upon the size of the berg. 21978. If it was found, as it is stated by Mr. Lightoller, that he had observed from six o’clock to ten o’clock on the night of the 14th of April that it was more difficult than under normal circumstances to see an iceberg, would that suggest to you, from the point of view of seamanship, that a double look-out should have been set that night? - No. 21979. Do not you think it would be desirable to place an extra look-out man on the bows? - No. Examined by Mr. LEWIS. 21980. Was any offer of half-a-day’s pay made prior to the “Titanic” disaster? - The offer of the half-a-day’s pay to which I referred was made in the case of the “Oceanic” before she sailed. That was the only time we have made that offer. 21981. When would that have been? - When the men signed on. 21982. Would that be recently - since the “Titanic” disaster? - Oh, yes, since. 21983. You have no recollection of any offer having been made to the men prior to that? - No. 21984. Do you consider it would be desirable to muster the day before? - Yes. 21985. Even to the extent of giving the men a day’s pay? - I believe so, yes. 21986. (The Commissioner.) That means 4s. 8d.. Would they come on the day before if you gave them 4s. 8d.? - I do not think they would, my Lord, not from our past experience. 21987. If you offered them a £5 note each they might come? - I doubt if some of them would, even if you offered them that. 21988. (Mr. Lewis.) How long have you been Marine Superintendent at Southampton? - I have
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