Page 157 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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exactly the sequence of events and you read the names of that committee, Mr. Attorney. 22258. (The Attorney-General.) Yes I read them. The only thing that occurs to me about it is it does not seem to be confined to the rule, although of course, in order to give effect to it you would have to ascertain what are efficient watertight compartments, and consequently the standard that had to be set up was inquired into by this Committee so as to give effect to Rule 12? - That is it exactly. Sir Edward Harland’s Committee reported in 1890. 22259. They were appointed on the 7th March, 1890. Do you say they reported in 1890. I thought it was in 1891? - I think it was 1890, speaking from memory. 22260. I do not think so, but it does not matter. The Report is rather long, my Lord, but I am afraid I must read it. The Commissioner: Are you going to read the whole of it? The Attorney-General: No. I think what would be far better is that I should read it and summarise it. The Commissioner: I think so too. The Attorney-General: It is too long to read. I thought we had a summary of it, but apparently we have not. Sir Robert Finlay: Would it not be better if it were put on the notes without being read here; it would be very convenient for reference afterwards. The Attorney-General: I have no objection, but it is very long. I will read the recommendation, and then we can have the rest on the note, and if there is anything else in it I can refer to it. Sir Robert Finlay: There are only four pages. (The recommendation was read by the Attorney-General.) The following is the Reference, Report, and Recommendation: - “To be a Committee to consider and report upon the following matters, viz.: - “1. As to the manner in which ships shall be subdivided so that they may float in moderate weather with any two compartments in free connection with the sea, and what rule there should be as to the proportion of freeboard of the watertight deck next above to which such bulkheads are attached, as shall be sufficient to enable the ship so to float. “2. As to the description of ship to which such should apply, in regard to size, or what difference, if any, as between Paddle or Screw Steamers, or Sailing Ships or as to Ocean Voyagers, or Cross-Channel Steamers. “3. Upon the construction and fitting of watertight bulkheads with a view to their being able to sustain the necessary strain, particularly when the ship is rising and falling in a seaway, without shoring or other adventitious aid, should it so happen that two adjoining compartments are in free communication with the sea, regard being given to the support of any ‘tween decks abutting thereto. “4. In what manner the Surveyors of the Board of Trade can best determine the sufficiency of such Bulkheads. “5. Under what restrictions may passageways be permitted through such bulkheads as closable by portable plates, or so-called watertight doors, self-acting or otherwise, and what precautions are necessary as to openings in longitudinal bulkheads, to enable the water to pass freely or under control from one side to the other in case of the ship showing signs of instability, as might readily be the case should she be struck on a transverse bulkhead, and two compartments, both on one side, be in free communication with the sea. “6. Whether a transverse compartment divided into two by a longitudinal bulkhead should be treated as one or two compartments. “7. What particulars, drawings, and calculations should be furnished by the owners of ships to the Board of Trade when they desire to take advantage of the following paragraph in the rules made under the Merchant Shipping (Life-saving Appliances) Act, 1888 (51 and 52 Vict., cap.