Page 176 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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upwards. 22360. I do not think our minds are quite on the same point. The Rules that came into force on the 1st June, 1894, are the scale which is at present in force? - Yes. 22361. That is the one at page 17? - That is the one at page 17. 22362. That is what I was putting to you? - I thought you said the originals. No; I purposely did not; I said the 1st June, 1894. The Commissioner: But nevertheless, the answer is a useful one. 22363-4. (The Attorney-General.) I agree; but until one understands it, it is useless proceeding with it. (To the Witness.) I know what you are referring to, but I want to get, first of all, clearly before my Lord that the scale which is now in force is the scale which has been in force since the 1st June, 1894? - That is exactly right. 22365. That is the scale you find at page 17? - That is exactly so. 22366. But that was not the same scale as had been in force before? - That is quite so. The Attorney-General: That is it. The Commissioner: What was the scale? 22367. (The Attorney-General - To the Witness.) Is the alteration in the scale to 10,000 and upwards? - That is the sole alteration. 22368. So that before the 1st June, 1894, Rules you had not the scale applying to vessels of 10,000 tons and upwards; you stopped apparently at 9,000 and upwards? - Yes, 9,000 and upwards. 22369. So that it is really the first line in the scale which is new by this? - That is quite right. The Commissioner: Now, tell me this: When did the previous scale, which finished at 9,000, come into operation? 22370. (The Attorney-General.) 1890. (To the Witness.) That is right, is it not? - Yes, in 1890. The Commissioner: Very well. In 1890 you had a scale that provided for the lifeboat accommodation on ships up to 9,000 and upwards, as I understand. The Attorney-General: Yes. 22371. (The Commissioner - To the Witness.) It was thought worthwhile, on the 1st June, 1894, to alter that scale by including it in ships of 10,000 and upwards? - Quite so. 22372. That is to say, in a period of four years you altered it. This present scale has been in existence 18 years. Now, why has it never been altered? - I can only just indicate to your Lordship. That will be explained by the professional officers, but I will indicate it to your Lordship. At the time when the Rules were made, on the 1st June, 1894, the largest ship complete was the “Lucania,” 12,952 tons, certified to carry 1,857 passengers and crew. The Attorney-General: I think I will ask the question first, and then I will direct his mind to the questions your Lordship is putting. The Commissioner: I am jumping a little too soon, I think. 22373. (The Attorney-General.) It will direct his mind more to the answer you want. When those Rules came into force on the 1st June, 1894, was the largest ship afloat the “Lucania,” a ship of 12,952 tons, and certified to carry 1,857 passengers and crew? - Yes. 22374. According to these Rules, which were framed to come into force on the 1st June, 1894, the Table was extended from 9,000 and upwards to 10,000 and upwards; but even that 10,000 tons apparently was put upon 3,000 tons short of the “Lucania’s” gross tonnage? - Yes. 22375. So that if I follow correctly what was done there, for some reason there was an addition to the scale and an increased number of boats required for vessels of 10,000 tons and upwards, but still not a scale which dealt with a vessel of 13,000 tons, except in so far as it is covered by the requirement as to 10,000 and upwards? - Quite. 22376. When you once got to 10,000 tons and upwards it did not matter how much the increase was apparently, you still only had to carry according to the Board of Trade Regulations the 16
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