Page 190 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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22470. What happened? - They were not satisfied altogether with the position. They thought that the matter should go back to the Advisory Committee for certain other consideration. 22471. Let us follow that I think there is a little confusion, because I am speaking from a statement which I have got. Was not there a draft amendment of the general Rule submitted to the Department by the Principal Ship Surveyor at the end of January, 1912? - Yes, I rather foolishly misunderstood your question. 22472. There was a draft amendment of the Rules submitted? - Yes, there was. 22473. Was that at the end of January, 1912? - Yes, and it was only by one officer. 22474. That is the Principal Ship Surveyor? - Yes. 22475. Was the matter then further considered? - Yes, it was. 22476. By whom? - By the professional member. 22477. Was that during February and March? - Yes, during the early months of this year. 22478. And then on the 4th April did you direct that a letter should be sent to the Advisory Committee? - Yes. 22479. Is there any note of that direction? - Oh, yes, it is on the official minutes. 22480. Was it a direction that a letter should be sent to the Advisory Committee with regard to the extension of the boat scale and of the draft Rule as to the form of boats? - That is so. 22481. As far as I know that letter was not actually sent till the 16th of April, 1912? - That is quite true. 22482. Had the Easter recess intervened? - It had. The Attorney-General: The important thing is the date. The Commissioner: A critical date. 22483. (The Attorney-General.) Yes, a very critical date (To the Witness.) It strikes one at once that the letter which is sent is sent really on a date after we received the news of the “Titanic” disaster? - That is true. 22484. We received that on the 15th, and then the letter is sent by you on the 16th, but as I understand you, the direction for that letter had been given on the 4th April, before the Easter recess? - Yes, the most precise directions. 22485. (The Commissioner.) Where are those directions recorded? - On the Board of Trade minutes. 22486. Have you got them here? - No. 22487. (The Attorney-General.) There is no difficulty in getting them, is there? - It is not usual to produce the minutes. 22488. (The Commissioner.) You need not allow a difficulty of that sort to stand in your way? - I do not wish to raise any difficulty at all. The Attorney-General: I quite understand, it is not usual to produce them, and you think you ought to point that out. But all we want is to see the direction that was given on that particular day. That is what my Lord wants to see. 22489. (The Commissioner.) And then I want to ask another question. Why was not the letter written? And then I want to ask another question. Was the letter of the 16th April written because of the “Titanic” disaster? - Shall I answer those questions now? 22490. Yes, if you can? - This is the position. I hope I shall make it quite clear. The action of the Board of Trade had been directed on the 4th. The letter was not prepared until some days afterwards, and it was actually sent on the 16th. Before the letter actually went it was brought to me, and it was pointed out: “This disaster has happened, is this letter to go?” And I said “Certainly it is to go at once without the smallest alteration of any kind or sort.” 22491. When had the letter been prepared? - Between the 4th and 16th. 22492. Oh, but when? - I cannot give you the date. My directions were given on the 4th. 22493. I know that. Do you mean to say it was prepared before you heard of the loss of the
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