Page 89 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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Castle,” I think. (The Witness pointed on the plan.) When I saw that one I thought we would improve upon that, and this is the plan I got out. (The Witness explained the plan to the Commissioner.) 21280. (The Commissioner.) What I understand Mr. Carlisle to say is this: He was of opinion, or thought it possible, that, having regard to the size of the “Titanic,” the Board of Trade might require greater lifeboat accommodation; and he mentioned this to Lord Pirrie and to other people connected with Messrs. Harland and Wolff, and he was then told to prepare plans for the installment of larger lifeboat accommodation, and he accordingly prepared this plan. Now this plan provides for, as I understand, four boats upon one set of davits. (To the Witness.) Is not that so? - Yes. 21281. Later on he prepared another plan, which is this, which provides for two boats to each set of davits, instead of one, but neither plan was utilised because the Board of Trade did not require any increased accommodation beyond that which was originally contemplated before these plans came into existence. That is right? - That is so. The Attorney-General: May I see the plans? The Commissioner: Yes; (Handing same.) and then, Mr. Attorney, I did not tell you what he said and what has come out already; it is already in evidence. The davits on the “Titanic” were of the kind that would have been required if the larger number of boats, double the boats, had been provided. The Attorney-General: That is the Welin’s. The Commissioner: Yes, and they were installed when the “Titanic” went down. Of course, the boats were not there. 21282. (Mr. Butler Aspinall.) Were these plans ever submitted to the White Star Company? - Two or three times. 21283. (The Commissioner.) To whom were they submitted - the individual, I mean? - Do you wish me to name the two directors? 21284. Yes? - Mr. Ismay and his co-director; but Mr. Ismay was the only one who spoke or said anything about it. 21285. Who was the other director? - Mr. Sanderson was present at one or two interviews. 21286. But did Mr. Sanderson examine them or look at them? - He saw them, but he did not speak. 21287. Did he see them in such a way as to realise what they were? - Well, that is quite impossible for me to say. 21288. I might come into the room and see them, and not have the ghost of a notion what they were? - I came over from Belfast in October, 1909, with these plans that were worked out, and also the decorations, and Mr. Ismay and Mr. Sanderson and Lord Pirrie and myself spent about four hours together. 21289. Did Mr. Sanderson discuss those plans? - Mr. Sanderson, I think, never spoke. 21290. Did he sit for four hours without speaking? - No; but that was over the whole of the decorations; we took the entire decorations of that ship. 21291. Never mind about the decorations; we are talking about the lifeboats? - The lifeboat part I suppose took five or ten minutes. 21292. Then, am I to understand that these plans which you are now producing were discussed, at this four hours interview for five or ten minutes? - That is so. 21293. Now will you tell us what was said? - It was said they thought it would be desirable to fit them in the ship. 21294. But what did you say first? - I showed them the advantage, and that it would put them to no expense or trouble in case the Board of Trade called upon them to do something at the last minute.
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