Page 117 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
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as they were placed on the “Titanic.” 24081. Have you any experience of the stowing of Englehardt boats on the deck of a steamer? - No, these were the first Englehardt boats, I think, that were used that I have had to do with. The Commissioner: I do not think it is worthwhile to ask him. Mr. Cotter: Very well, my Lord. Examined by Mr. HOLMES. 24082. When you say they would carry 47, did you see that from an actual test of putting them in? - Yes, an actual test in the water with weights equivalent to the people. 24083. How about the space? - The space is specified in a Board of Trade circular. (The Witness withdrew.) MAURICE HARVEY CLARKE, Sworn. Examined by Mr. BUTLER ASPINALL. 24084. Captain Clarke, I believe you hold a master’s certificate? - Extra master. 24085. Are you Assistant Emigration Officer under the Board of Trade, stationed at Southampton? - I am. 24086. I believe you have been for some 13 years with the Department? - I have. 24087. Were you the officer whose duty it was to clear the “Titanic” as Emigration Officer? - I was. 24088. For that purpose, after her arrival at Southampton before she sailed on this voyage, did you visit her? - I did. 24089. And did you visit her and go over her generally for a period of about three days? - I did. 24090. To inform yourself of her accommodation and all the other matters that it is your duty to inform yourself of? - Quite correct. 24091. You can give us all the details of this if they are wanted? - Certainly. 24092. I do not propose to ask you. Amongst other things, did you make a plan of the boats? - I made a sketch. 24093. Is that your duty? - Well, it was just a guide for me. As I should be visiting that ship a considerable number of times, I thought it was as well for me to have a sketch. 24094. Now, turning to a matter about which a good many questions have been asked, did you on the day of sailing muster the crew? - I did. 24095. What do you do when you muster a crew? - Well, we have all the hands mustered on the various decks. In a ship of the size of the “Titanic” it was necessary to muster them on more than one deck. The firemen are usually mustered on one deck by themselves, and the sailors on another deck, and the stewards on another deck. The articles are then brought out by one of the Ship-Masters attached to the Company and their names are read out, and as their names are read out they pass before us; that is to say, I have associated with me two medical officers attached to the Board of Trade who medically inspect them, and I see that the numbers are correct. They each pass before us and they are tallied off on the articles. 24096. Were the boats swung out? - They were. 24097. How many? - Only two. 24098. Is that in accordance with the practice? - That is the usual practice. 24099. Were they lowered into the water? - They were lowered into the water, and the crews exercised under their respective officers. 24100. Was that done in a manner that commended itself to you? - Entirely.