Page 31 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
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That is plain enough? - No, because you are not dealing with landsmen; you are dealing with seamen. Seamen do not use a scale. They use their own power and discretion. 23000. Is there any scale for engineers? - Yes, a scale, so far, up to 600 horse-power and over, so that when it gets beyond that - 23001. According to what you are pleased to call the scale, how many engineers would have been required for a ship like the “Titanic”? - That I did not go into because it was not required. The voluntary action of the owners found so many that we did not require to go into it. 23002. I have heard of the voluntary action of the owners before, but there is no indication there as to the number of engineers? - There is an indication, if you work it out. 23003. How can you work it out? - You work it out in your own mind with the help of the Engineer-in-chief. 23004. Applying your mind to the point, I will give you the engine room accommodation of the “Titanic,” and I want you to tell me from any scale you have how many engineers would be required? - How many I would have required? The Commissioner: Do you suggest, Mr. Scanlan, that there were not sufficient engineers on board this boat? Mr. Scanlan: No, my Lord, on the contrary, that all the requirements of the Board of Trade have been more than complied with. The Commissioner: And not only that, but that there were sufficient engineers to work the boat efficiently. Mr. Scanlan: I believe so, my Lord. The Commissioner: Then what is it we are bothering about? Mr. Scanlan: We are considering the Regulations made by the Board of Trade. That is one question. The Commissioner: I know, but you see in the particular questions before us, regulations or scales, or no regulations and no scales, the boat, so far as regards engineers, was as good as she could be. What is the use of our taking up time enquiring about these scales? If you find that the thing works without scales, I should think it is far better to leave it alone. Mr. Scanlan: I am instructed, my Lord, that in practice it does not work without a scale - it does not work effectively. The Commissioner: It did in this case, at any rate. Mr. Scanlan: I agree it did in this case, my Lord. I should not have taken up your Lordship’s time on this, but for Question 26, which says: “The Court is invited to report upon the Rules and Regulations made under the Merchant Shipping Acts, 1894-1906, and the administration of those Acts and of such Rules and Regulations, so far as the consideration thereof is material to this casualty, and to make any recommendations or suggestions that it may think fit, having regard to the circumstances of the casualty, with a view to promoting the safety of vessels and persons at sea.” The Commissioner: Now, just consider that question - it is a very compendious sort of question. We know that in this case the ship was amply provided with engineers. You admit that yourself. Mr. Scanlan: Yes, my Lord. The Commissioner: I am only expected to report upon matters that affected or were affected by this casualty. Mr. Scanlan: Yes, my Lord. The Commissioner: The engineers are not touched by it at all. They were provided - plenty of them were provided, and as far as I know - I certainly believe it at present - they were efficient men. They stuck to their posts, you know - they did that, at any rate. I think we are a little far away from the question.