Page 18 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 27 - 31
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25202. Have you ever had any difficulty in getting any members of the crew to attend boat drill? - Not in my time. 25203. (The Commissioner.) Have you heard of difficulties since your time? - I believe they have had, but not in my time; we had no difficulty, none whatever. 25204. (Mr. Cotter.) Have you ever had any difficulty with firemen coming to boat drill? - No. 25205. (The Commissioner.) Have you heard of difficulty since? - Yes, I have. 25206. (Mr. Cotter.) You never heard of it in your firm? - No. 25207. In the Cunard Company, how long would you call a reasonable time to get the boats out and the covers off and swung out? - Six minutes. 25208. That is with a properly disciplined boat crew? - Yes. 25209. Is it the custom to have bulkhead door drill every day? - Yes, at sea. 25210. At 11 o’clock? - At 12 o’clock. Examined by Sir ROBERT FINLAY. 25211. For the last two years I think you have retired from the sea? - Yes. 25212. For the 18 years before that you were in command of Cunard boats? - Yes. 25213. And you have been at sea altogether 30 years? - More, 51 years at sea. 25214. You have been at sea for 51 years, or had been before you retired? - Yes. 25215. (The Commissioner.) What age are you? - 67, my Lord. 25216. (Sir Robert Finlay.) And you have had, I think, a Master’s certificate for 37 years? - Yes. 25217. You told us your practice as to speed when ice was reported or you were in an ice region; did you also hold your course? - Always, if it is clear weather. 25218. You have kept your course in clear weather, and maintained full speed? - Yes. 25219. And was that the universal practice in your experience? - Yes. My Lord, a point was raised, and some time was spent, about binoculars. If your Lordship thinks it worthwhile I will ask it. The Commissioner: Unless Mr. Scanlan tells me I ought not to do it, I will now express my opinion about binoculars. Mr. Scanlan: I will submit to judgment now, my Lord. The Commissioner: Very well. Then the judgment is that binoculars are not desirable in the crow’s-nest. (The Witness withdrew.) HUGH YOUNG, Sworn. Examined by Mr. BUTLER ASPINALL. 25220. You are a retired master mariner? - Yes. 25221. And you hold an Extra Master’s certificate? - Yes. 25222. For 37 years did you command steamers in the Anchor Line? - Thirty-seven years. 25223. In such position were you travelling backwards and forwards between Glasgow and New York? - For 35 years I was travelling across, all that time. 25224. Are you familiar with ice-fields and icebergs? - Quite. 25225. Do you know the weather conditions which existed when the “Titanic” struck the iceberg? - I understand it was a dead calm. 25226. It was a dead calm; it was a clear night? - Yes.