Page 232 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 27 - 31
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(A.) At nighttime; not in clear weather in the daytime. (Q.) In the daytime you do not have a look-out at all? - (A.) We have an officer on the bridge. (Q.) But you do not have a man in the crow’s-nest or one on the forecastle head? - (A.) No. (Q.) But at night you have, as a Rule, a man in the crow’s-nest? - (A.) Yes. (Q.) But if it is hazy weather, a man on the bow as well? - (A.) Yes.” That is all in Mr. Moore’s evidence which has any bearing upon this point. Then Mr. Wynn, the Quartermaster, at page 301, Question 13378, “Is it usual to station look- out men in the ships you have experience of in the bows? - (A.) Yes. (Q.) As well as in the crow’s-nest? - (A.) Yes. (The Commissioner.) Always in foggy or hazy weather. (Mr. Scanlan.) Is it usual when there is ice about? - (A.) No.” Mr. Scanlan was examining Mr. Wynn, one of the Quartermasters. That shows it is only in foggy or hazy weather. Then Mr. Lightoller at page 304, Question 13520: “(Q.) What was the practice in the “Titanic” as far as this voyage is concerned about having a look-out man anywhere else?” - that is besides the crow’s-nest. “(A.) In anything but clear weather, we carry extra look-outs. (Q.) But where do you put them? - (A.) If the weather is fine, that is to say, if the sea allows it, we place them near the stem head; when the weather does not allow us placing them at the stem head, then probably on the bridge.” That is in anything but clear weather. The Commissioner: They had actually had extra look-out men on this voyage. Sir Robert Finlay: I had not observed that, my Lord. The Commissioner: It is the next question, 13524. “(Q.) Had there been, as far as you remember, any occasion since she left Southampton to have extra look-out men? - (A.) Yes, and we had had them.” Sir Robert Finlay: The next question is: “(Q.) But at this time it was clear and fine? - (A.) Yes.” Then Mr. Lightoller, on page 330, returns to this point. With regard to the special look-out men that the White Star Line employed. It is at Question 14426, and it runs on to 14441. This is in examination by Mr. Scanlan: “(Q.) I will pass from that point. Amongst the precautions which it would be proper to adopt, would it not be desirable to station more look-outs, more look-out men on the bows or the stem head? - (A.) Anything which would be conducive to avoiding danger. (Q.) Would that be conducive to avoiding danger? - (A.) It might be. (Q.) I am speaking to you as a man of great practical experience? - (A.) I could not exactly say whether look-outs in the stem head would be. We do not place very much reliance on them; we hope they will keep a very good look-out, but those men in the first place are not regular look-out men,” - the point is the “Titanic” employs special look-out men for the crow’s-nest. If they double the look-out they have to put an ordinary A.B. - “and you have not the same control over them as you have over the look-out men. They have nothing to sacrifice in the way of a good berth, which the look-out man’s is. (Q.) I think the difference between a regular look-out man and an irregular look-out man - that is, an ordinary A.B. - is 5s. a month? - (A.) Five shillings a month in pay and a difference in watches and a difference in work on board the ship. (Q.) But there is no passing of an examination to go from one grade to the other? - (A.) Yes. (The Solicitor-General.) Is there? - (A.) Yes. I should explain to you it is customary when a ship is running for all look-out men to have an eye test as well as the Quartermaster’s. That does not apply necessarily to A.B.’s. (Mr. Scanlan.) I was going to ask you about the eye test” - I do not think I need read that. The Attorney-General: You need not read that as far as I am concerned. Sir Robert Finlay: Then 14440: “(Q.) Did the six look-out men on the “Titanic” sign on in any special way? - (A.) I believe they signed on as look-out men. (Q.) But you do not know of your own knowledge? - (A.) No, I could not say for certain.” I think that is all Mr. Lightoller’s evidence upon this matter. (Adjourned to tomorrow, at 10.30 o’clock.)