Page 54 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 27 - 31
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amount of noise, were placed inside a silent chamber, so that the noise of the signals as transmitted would not be heard outside or by passengers. We have to preserve the secrecy of telegrams as far as possible. In the receiving cabin, in all ordinary circumstances under which the “Titanic” is sailed, there would be practically no noise at all. It was only, I think, under the exceptional circumstances of the “Titanic” being at full steam and being suddenly stopped that there was an excessive blow-off at a pipe in the immediate neighbourhood of the station. I do not think that would ever have occurred in ordinary practice. I understand from Mr. Bride that this noise was brought to the notice of the Captain and he had it stopped immediately. I do not know how he did have it stopped. I suppose he arranged that. 25625. (The Commissioner.) I do not see how he could have stopped that? Mr. Turnbull: By some arrangement in the engine room, I suppose. 25626. (The Commissioner.) He could not stop that blow-off. Mr. Turnbull: It might be diverted to another exhaust pipe. 25627. (The Commissioner.) It is pointed out to me that the answers to their messages were of the greatest importance, and yet they could not hear them because of the noise, and it is suggested to me that there should be some chamber in which to receive the messages, and from which the noise outside in the ship should be excluded? Mr. Turnbull: We used to do that years ago when wireless was in its infancy and when it was necessary to reinforce the strength of the signals as much as possible; but at the present day the signals are so strong within the normal range of shipping stations, that it is not necessary to go to the expense. 25628. (The Commissioner.) It would have been a very good thing on this occasion? Mr. Turnbull: Yes, my Lord, it would. 25629. (The Commissioner.) I daresay the signals are very strong, but it would have been a very desirable thing that the messages which were being received by the “Titanic” on this occasion should have been heard. Mr. Turnbull: There are occasions when we find it is impossible to fulfill the conditions of silence to the extent that we desire. For instance, in the case of a winch being outside, or pumps of any description making a noise, then we do have the receiving room silenced as much as possible. 25630. (The Commissioner.) Cannot you have a cabinet? Mr. Turnbull: We do, my Lord. 25631. (The Commissioner.) So constructed as to keep out the sounds of a winch? Mr. Turnbull: We have them constructed to diminish sound as much as possible. The Attorney-General: I am not going to ask Mr. Turnbull anything, but the two documents which have been referred to and handed in, the one, the corrected procès-verbal, and the other, received and sent messages, are taken in. I need not formally put them to Mr. Turnbull? The Commissioner: No. Are you going to begin your address, Mr. Edwards? Mr. Clement Edwards: No, my Lord. I thought your Lordship would like to know how the matter stands in relation to what your Lordship intimated on Friday. The position is this: that in the case of my friend, Mr. Pringle, appearing for the shipwrights, in the case of Mr. Cotter, appearing for the National Union of Stewards, and Mr. Lewis, appearing for the British Seafarers’ Union, they have acceded to your Lordship’s suggestion, and I shall represent them in making my speech. The Commissioner: That is very convenient. Mr. Clement Edwards: With regard to the officers represented by Mr. Holmes, they are quite anxious, I understand, that he should address you, and, with your Lordship’s permission, he will do that before I address your Lordship, and also, with your Lordship’s permission, Mr. Harbinson will address you before I address you.