Page 146 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 6 - 9
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8755. And do you say you then destroyed the record for April 15th? - Yes. 8756. When you destroyed it did you notice then there was no record on it about these distress signals, did not you notice that? - No, I just copied it off as it was. 8757. There is just one other question I must put to you because we are going to call the Marconi operator. You have told us that during your watch between four and eight, you went in to see the Marconi operator, did not you? - Yes. 8758. Try and remember what it was that you told him? - I told him to get out and see what the ship was to the southward. 8759. I want you to be as accurate as you can. Do you think that is all you said to him? - I think so. 8760. What this ship was to the southward? - Yes. 8761. What did you mean by “This ship to the southward”? - The ship that I could see, Sir. 8762. The ship that Mr. Stone had already told you was not the ship that had sent up the rockets? - Yes. 8763. You think that is what you asked him? - Yes. 8764. I must just put it to you. Did not you go to his room and did not you say to him that rockets had been seen during the night? - I do not think so, Sir. 8765. You do not think you did? - No. 8766. And did not you ask him whether he could find out with his Marconi apparatus whether anything was amiss? - I told him to call up and see what that ship was to the southward. I remember that distinctly, Sir. 8767. Did not you ask him whether he could find out whether anything was amiss? - I do not think so - No, Sir; I do not remember that. 8768. Did you at that time think that anything was amiss? - I thought something had happened, yes. 8769. But you do not think you said that? - I do not think so, Sir. Examined by Mr. SCANLAN. 8770. With reference to the navigation of your own ship, did you think it was dangerous on that night, the Sunday night, to proceed? - Yes. 8771. What circumstances caused you to think that? - The ship was surrounded by ice. 8772. Was there any haze? - None at 4 o’clock. 8773. You went off watch at 9.30? - Eight o’clock I went off watch really. 8774. But you did not leave the deck till 9.30? - I was out on deck for a few minutes until 9.30. 8775. About that time was there any haze? - I did not notice any; I do not think so. 8776. Had you been in charge and seen distress signals would you have proceeded to the vessel in distress? - Yes, Sir, I think I would. Mr. Harbinson: I ask this witness nothing. Examined by Mr. CLEMENT EDWARDS. 8777. When you went on duty again at four your ship was still stationary? - Yes. 8778. What time did you start moving? - 5.15. 8779. At that time you were surrounded by a considerable lot of ice? - Yes. 8780. What pace did you make for the first three or four miles? - We were going very, very slow. 8781. How slow? - I could not tell you what we were going; I was not very much on the bridge after that time.