Page 152 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 6 - 9
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8907. None at all? - No. 8908. What took you to the Marconi House at the time you went there? - The Captain sent me to call the Marconi man to see what ship was to the southward. 8909. The Captain sent you? - Yes. 8910. What time did the Captain come up to the bridge? - Half-past four. 8911. When did you first hear that the “Titanic” had sunk? - When I went to the Marconi House. 8912. How long after you had got to the Marconi House did you find out that the “Titanic” had sunk? - I could not exactly say how long it was - the time I took to get the operator out and to his machine. 8913. He was in bed? - Yes, asleep. 8914. And he got to his machine? - Yes. 8915. Did the Marconi operator tell you where he had got the information from? - He said he had the “Frankfurt.” 8916. Would it not have been the right thing, I ask you, as Chief Officer, assuming that you saw these lights in close proximity to the ice and rockets also going up - would it not have been the right thing to have gone immediately to the the operator, and asked him to get into communication if possible with this ship? - Yes, I think so now. 8917. But would not you do it as your duty? - I saw a ship to the southward there, but she would not answer. 8918. But assuming that you could not get any definite reply from her, would it not have been the best thing to have gone and got the Marconi instrument into operation to see if you could get into touch with her? - Yes, now I think so. (The Witness withdrew.) The Solicitor-General: What we propose to do, subject to your Lordship’s approval, is to recall the Third Officer and the Second Officer just on this one point about the log, so that your Lordship may have the evidence about it, and then we propose to call the Marconi operator. CHARLES VICTOR GROVES, Recalled. Examined by Mr. ROWLATT. 8919. I want to ask you one or two questions about the waste logbook to clear up something. I understood you to tell us that the waste logbook, as a book, was destroyed. Is that so? - Not as a book, no, Sir. 8920. How is it destroyed? - Page by page. 8921. Every day? - Not necessarily every day. I do not think it is done at any stated intervals, but I do not have anything to do with the destroying of it. 8922. Perhaps you can tell us this. On April 15th, when you came on duty, had the page before been destroyed? - That I could not say, but I hardly think it would be. 8923. You could not tell as to any particular days when they were destroyed? - No. (The Witness withdrew.) The Commissioner: I think you have got the evidence now about the logbook and the scrap logbook. The Solicitor-General: Your Lordship does not care about having the other officer again?
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