Page 176 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 6 - 9
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9505. You could hear it was something of the sort? - Yes. 9506. We have independent evidence that that message was sent. The Captain of the “Olympic” sent a message they were lighting up every boiler and making for her as fast as they could. Did you hear the reply of the “Titanic” at 1.21? - Yes. 9507. What was it? - “We are putting the women off in boats.” 9508. Then six minutes after that, at 1.27 - what was it you heard at 1.27? - “‘Titanic’ calling C.Q.D. says ‘engine room flooded.’“ 9509. And two minutes after that, 1.29? - Yes. The Commissioner: Can you indicate to me where the water which is referred to here would be? 9510. (The Solicitor-General.) My friend Sir Robert Finlay suggests to me that I perhaps should ask the witness to look at the record to be sure he has got the actual words. (To the Witness.) Have you got your record there before you for 1.27? - Yes. 9511. Just read it exactly as it is? - You mean what I have in my log? 9512. Yes? - “‘Titanic’ calling C.Q.D., says ‘engine room flooded.’“ The Commissioner: That is what you read to me just now. 9513. (The Solicitor-General.) Yes. Let us follow what that means. (To the Witness.) Was it a message that was being sent by the “Titanic” to any particular ship, or was it being sent all the way round? - It was a general call, I take it. 9514. A general message? - Yes. When she took up the “Olympic” or the “Baltic,” it was just “C.Q.D. engine room flooded.” 9515. Just like when a ship sends C.Q.D. to anybody in call, so they sent that message to anybody in call? - Yes. 9516. Up to that time, except the C.Q.D. and S.O.S. message, had all the messages been addressed to particular ships? - No, he only sent one official message - no, he never sent any official message. The “Olympic” sent one to him. 9517. And when you say the message was “engine room flooded,” does that mean you heard the word “engine” and the word “room” spelt out? - Yes; no abbreviation or code, or anything. Your Lordship will remember there are two engine rooms. The one where Mr. Asquith has the pointer is the more forward of the two - the reciprocating engine room, which drives the port and the starboard shaft. The Commissioner: Then comes the turbine. The Solicitor-General: Yes, behind that. The Commissioner: And behind it, again, is the dynamo? The Solicitor-General: Yes. The Commissioner: Do I understand from this Marconi operator that the water had by this time found its way aft very considerably? The Solicitor-General: Assuming the message was accurate. The Commissioner: Did this message come by any code word? 9518. (The Solicitor-General.) I will ask him, my Lord. I understand not. (To the Witness.) Is there any single code word for “engine room”? - No; it was spelt out letter by letter. There was no abbreviation or code word in the message. 9519. (The Commissioner.) This was spelt out just as we read it here? - Yes. 9520. “Engine room flooded”? - Yes. 9521. (The Solicitor-General.) That is 1.27, your time? - Yes. The Commissioner: This is a little more than half an hour before the ship disappeared. 9522. (The Solicitor-General.) I do not know how much correction would be necessary from the point of view of time. I thought one might perhaps ask him. (To the Witness.) Of course your ship was getting nearer to the “Titanic” all that time? - Yes.
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