Page 21 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 6 - 9
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went up and got on the boat. 5704. We have heard of two collapsible lifeboats of the four that were on the deck being lowered? - I never saw them. 5705. You never heard anything of the other two? - No. Examined by Mr. ROCHE. 5706. I want you to tell me with regard to the engineers you saw on the deck, when did they come up? - They came up just after I did. 5707. How long was that? - It was 20 minutes past 1 when I left the engine room. 5708. How long before you climbed down the falls to the boat? - I should say about half an hour. 5709. Were all the boats launched then? - No; all barring two. 5710. Which of the engineers did you see? Can you tell me their names? - Mr. Farquharson. I do not know the names of the others. 5711. How many of them did you see? - I should say there were about eight of them. 5712. There are 20 or more in the ship? - Yes. 5713. You think you saw eight, of whom you can remember the name of one? - Yes. 5714. Were the pumps running at this time still? - Certain pumps were. 5715. What do you mean by certain pumps, most of the pumps, of the ship? - Circulating pumps. 5716. Where did the circulating pumps get their steam from? - That I cannot tell you. 5717. You do not know whether they got it from the main boilers or not? - No. 5718. You went from the turbine room back into the aftermost compartment in the tunnel? - Yes. 5719. You had to get through two watertight doors to get there? - Yes. 5720. Were they both open when you went? - Not when we went first, not when we released the greaser in the after-tunnel; they were closed. 5721. How did he get out? - We went up the turbine-engine room way along the working alleyway and down an escape. 5722. I follow. Did anyone send you to fetch him? - No. 5723. Did you get before you went up to the deck any summons to go on deck, or did you go on your own account? - No, we were ordered up out of the engine room. 5724. Who by? - The Senior Engineer, I think it was. 5725. Who was in charge of your section, the turbine room? - One of the juniors I think it was, about the sixth. 5726. What is his name; do you know? - No. 5727. Do you know the name of the engineer who ordered you out? - I think it was Mr. Farquharson. 5728. The gentleman you did see on deck afterwards? - Yes. 5429. And were the other engineers you saw on deck those belonging to your section, the turbine room? - They were doing six-hour watches then; some had come on at 8 to 2. 5730. But were the gentlemen that you saw, the engineers whom you saw, the engineers you had been connected with in the turbine room? - Yes. Examined by Mr. HARBINSON. 5731. You said you could not get to your quarters to get your lifebelts? - No. 5732. Who told you to go to the third-class quarters? - One of the firemen I think told us to go