Page 42 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 6 - 9
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no right of access to this door at all? - No, not in normal times. 6173. They would be forbidden to approach it? - They could walk past it, but it is never open. It is a kind of slide. 6174. So that, unless on this particular occasion special instructions were given to them as to the route they should follow they would not know where to go, would they? - They would not know unless they were given instructions. 6175. Did you hear any such instructions given? - Yes. 6176. By whom? - I saw the interpreter passing the people along that way, but there was a difficulty in getting them along because some of the foreign third-class passengers were bringing their baggage and their children along. 6177. Who was the interpreter? - I do not know his name. 6178. You do not know his name? - No. 6179. Where was he standing? - He was standing just abaft this emergency door leading into the third-class. 6180. He was pointing or directing those who came to the door? - Passing them along. 6181. That is at the door, but my point is this. Did you see or know of anyone going to the third-class quarters and giving instructions there to the third-class passengers? - No, Sir, I did not. I am out of that altogether. 6182. As to the course they should follow in order to escape? - I did not hear any orders. 6183. You did not hear any directions being given to these people to go to this door, when further instructions would be given to them? - I only saw and heard the interpreter doing his business. 6184. At what time was that? - That was when I was going down to my room after I had sent the first load of bread up, about a quarter-past twelve, or between a quarter and half-past twelve. 6185-6. Did you see any notice posted up or painted up in the neighbourhood of this emergency door giving instructions as to what third-class passengers should do in case of danger? - We are not allowed in the passengers’ quarters. 6187. (The Commissioner.) Have you ever been in this place in this ship before? - I beg your pardon. 6188. Had you ever been along this Scotland Road alleyway? - Yes. 6189. Before this voyage? - I had been along it in Belfast while no passengers were on, but while passengers are on board the ship we are not allowed in their quarters. 6190. And you did not stop to look for any notices put up, if there were any? - No. 6191. (Mr. Harbinson.) You know the “Olympic”? - Yes. 6192. Are there any on the “Olympic,” do you know? - I do not know. 6193. You say at the time this passage seemed to be obstructed by third-class passengers bringing their luggage? - Yes. 6194. Would that lead to any confusion? - It would. 6195. Did it, as a matter of fact? - There did not seem to be much confusion, only it hampered the steward; it hampered the interpreter and the men who were helping him, because they could not prevail on the people to leave their luggage. 6196. What width is this staircase that has been referred to leading up to the boat deck from the second-class department? - That is within three yards of the emergency door. 6197. Is it a wide staircase? - Yes, very wide. About six could go up abreast, I should say. 6198. I gather that unless some special instructions were given to these third-class passengers in their cabins it would be impossible for them to know of any proper means of exit and escape? - Just outside of this emergency door there are two wide staircases leading from the third-class quarters right on to the poop deck. 6199. That is not to the boat deck? - The well deck.