Page 13 - National Geographic - How We Found Titanic
P. 13
RECISION portrait of T it ani c's foredeck (lef) reveals the remarkable ;:eservative action of the deep This view from 20 feet =ea. .rove the deck was made :uring our expedition's final : hotographic run. The direction ,: the bow is at upper right. heads, anchor "\'indlass capstans, and mooring ::.lains, ::lt-. all appear ready for :ition beneath a thin film of HARuND ANo wotrr, Lro./cxnaLes r =arine organisms. Not so T i : a ni c's human element. llarine scavengers long ago 11-rposed of the victims' :.,'dies. Titanic is more than tomb. =onument Elegance of a vanished age :i€rg€s in a beautifully :e.isned cut-glass window rightl photographed by , -r cameras in a field of debris :.,:ttcr€d across the ocean floor :-:ndreds of yards astern of l::anic's hull. We discovered --:e *'indow in an early photo- of the ship's second- --r.s smoking room (upper rightl. The window appears as panel in the door at far left. = l. me the window symbolizes :e striking contrast between '.--rlence and calm inTitanic's - -.t moments. In some areas of :-e ship one-inch-thick steel ':.'ri crumpled Iike tin foil and -:- others, such as this, the :-ost fragile ornaments sur- '.:r'ed intact. The photograph . slightly blurred, but it is :.:ssible that some glass panels :emain unbroken and in place. 8 KEYED TO NUMBERS ON DIAGRAM, PAGE 7I4 Hov We Found Titanic