Page 24 - National Geographic - How We Found Titanic
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Iectomts to litanic IUBILATION-there is no other word for French government, supplied major funds J it. The faces of the men above reflect a and a second ship. The French project direc- triumph years in the making, the result of a tor, Jean Jarry, stands at Ballard's right. unique partnership in undersea exploration. The National Geographic Society takes The group watches a video screen aboard pride in its contribution to such historic Knorr, a Woods Hole Oceanographic Insti- achievements. Over the years our Commit- tution research ship, gazing for the first time tee for Research and Exploration has made at the remains of the linerTitonic two and a scores of underwater research grants total- half miles deep in the North Atlantic. Lost in ing millions of dollars. Other contributions 1912 after collision with an iceberg, the ves- are less easily measured. National Geo- sel eluded all attempts to locate her until this graphic photographer and electronics ex- historic moment: l :05 a.m. lastSeptember l. pert Emory Kristof developed many of the How that moment came about is de- photographic designs successfully utilized scribed in this issue by expedition leader by the Titanic expedition. He was ably as- Robert D. Ballard (wearing cap), a senior sisted by staff specialists Al Chandler, marine geologist at Woods Hole. National Claude Petrone, and Mike Schaeffer. Geographic projects with Bob-such as ex- This month Bob Ballard, again with ploration of new life-forms in deep-sea French colleagues, resumes his study of vents-have resulted in six articles in the plate tectonics in the Pacific-the peaceful magazine, a book, two Television Specials, side of a career that Editor Bill Garrett fond- and three research grants, one of them to ly refers to as "Starfish Wars. " study plate tectonics on the pacific floor. in man's study of the ocean realm, National Whatever the results of that next chapter In many cases our partnership with Bob funding and equipping the Titanic expedi- tu and Woods Hole has included a familiar Geographic intends to be aboard. ally, the U. S. Navy, whose interest in ocean-floor imaging played a key role in tion. An equally important partner, the PRESIDENT. NATIONAL GEOCRAPHIC SOCIETY