Page 6 - National Geographic - How We Found Titanic
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ff between open holds. .-F $. *.i} To me the view of the crow's nest most expresses the Ti.tanic tragedy. It was from this station that lookout Fred Fleet, who I survived, first sighted the iceberg one-fourth of a mile dead ahead. Instinctively he tj gave three rings on the bell above the crow's nest. The bell's = p bracket appears as a faucetlike fixture on the right of the mast Lower down a pair of circles =*:{ marks the receptacle for the --;> telephone over which Fleet warned the bridge, "Iceberg right ahead!" YMBOL of disaster, Ironically, Fleet's words Titanic's ht'droid- doomed Titanic. In response to encrusted crou"s nest the warning her officer-in- (opposite) emerges in startling charge tried to reverse engines detail in a close-up. The and turn hard to starboard. The same crow's nest shows clearll' reversal actually turned the ship u'ith trvo men in it in the slowly to port, and she suffered scene belo'w as the ship leaves the fatal gash in her starboard Southampton, England, on her side. Had she rammed the berg first and onll'voyage. Our head-on, she would likely have underwater photographs reveal flooded only two or three com- that u.hen the forward funnel partments and remained afloat. collapsed, it pulled the mast Captain Edward J. Smith backrvard, so that todaf its top (above lef), who was not on the lies across the bridge. A circular bridge at the time, went down windlass beneath the mast lies with his command. lllt '- ": I ,,Fq ;,$d SOUTHAMPTON CITY MUSE!M (IOPi ANO MARINERS'MUSEUM. NEWPORT NEWS {ABOVE) 702