Page 5 - Return To Titanic - The Sunday Times Magazine March 23 2003
P. 5
F't:rdr ri^r i=- *;#e;;'9' ..(- f '{f -*:- REFI.ECTIIIG IIIE PAST Top: r nirtor similarto the one in stateroom A-ll, occupied by the fashion writer Edith Rosenbaum labovel. lt is said shc made a great fuss when boarding the lifeboat because of all she left bchind. She dicd in 1975, eged 98. Lcft: thc mirror in room A-11 today a :- 2' :-z E=- <{- t CYsYO -= =-; 6\vq!r, E=" ='= ::- <:> ==- 4l