Page 1 - The Wonder Book Of Ships - Big Steamers
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Tbe Mor.lznia er rhe wqrld appeor ll plooed on tbe Tenace ol libc Eouacr of Prrllament, Londor. the ie 790 foat long, aod tbo bergbt rc che top of ber lunuels is 166 feot. Some of lho l.tor linera a,re cvo luger. Where Would You Like to Go ? - The Principal Steamship Lines and their Routes E EW of us can go round the world in reality, but it is capital fun I to think we can and. to plan all sorts of imaginary voya,ges. The next wet day when you are wanting something to do just tako down the map of the world from the schoolroom w&ll, or borrow an . atlas from your father's study (the bigger the map the bettor), and, having decided where you would most like to go, try to find out how you would get there and just how long it would take. You will havo to think a little, and perhaps to hunt up several books, but you will be surprised what a lot you will learn and how much you will enjoy the trips. If your map is a very good one it will probably indicato the principal steamship services by means of dotted lines across tho sea, and you will soon find out that these are almost as fixed s,nC cer- tain as the great railway routes. The Atlantic, for instance, will be scored across and across, especially between England and New York, ana quite a number of lines will be shown converging on Australia, both from the Indian Ocean and across the wide Pacific. But in other parts of the map no lines at all will be marked, as it is only on raro 8.8.9.
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