Page 5 - The Wonder Book Of Ships - Big Steamers
P. 5
BIG STEAMERS The trIauretania compared with tho Municipal Buildings, Glasgow. holiday, for it will take you at least a uronth to get there and a month to get back, and even if you stop another two months ashoro you will only see a tiny part of that vast Continent. But you make up your mind to go, anyway; even if it is only till tea-time. How would you make the journey ? X'irst of all, you can go either eastward or westward, for Australia, as everybody knows who has looked at a globle, is right on the other side of fhe world from Great Britain. Most people go by way of tho Suez Canal or the Cape of Good Hope-the " all-sea route "-but these are not the only routes. Suppose you decide to go westward in order to see something of Canada on the way. In the spring, summer and autumnr when the river St. Lawrence is free from ice, you can chooso ,ltt t, ';i.l 'i '; {i Lri rl rl" ,li '. .J Jl I i i.l;1,- f !-i:l .j 7:"8 -.1 .: i' F-#,' ttr :rl o. ffi* lhe lergest hotel ln tbo world, ot Chlcago, would look oven gmellcr egalnst averal liners buitt rlno (,bc Matra