Page 6 - Building A Big Ship
P. 6
BUILDING A BIG SHIP the Titanic's sister ship, by giving her double sides, though the cost of making the alteration amounted to nearly a quarter of a million pounds. So it will be seen that the features introduced in that great steamer launched on the Thames so ma,ny years ago have been of value, and the lessons taught by its method of construction have not been un- profitable. All sorts of caricatures of her were published, similar to the one on p. 140, and at last she was broken up for old iron. The . great steamships of ths prcsent duy have been made possiblo d by cheap steel. There is practically no limit to the size to rvhich they may be built, and tho only reasons why' there are not more of these immenso vessels is that they a,re so expensive and that it would be difficult to find pro- fitable employment for them on any route except that betrveen Europe and New York, and that the ports they could enter are very fqw. The ports of Liver- pool, Southampton and New York have to be constantly. dredged in order to maintain sufficient depth for ships like the Mauretania and otl lAn*t. Earlntil & $lolf, W, ''mt ' I.RA}IES a,l{D DE(-t BEAys oF TBr: " ol-ytd.prc." Olympic to enter and l12
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