Page 2 - Minutes of Proceedings of Civil Engineers Vol CXCV 1913-14 Part 1
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42 wENTwoRTlr-sHTILDS oN THE coNsrRUcrIoN oF [Minutes of l1 November, 1913. ANTIIONY GEORGE LYSTER, M.Eng., President, in the Chair. The Pnnsronwt said he was sure the members had learned with deep regret of the death of their Past-President, Sir William Preece, who was well known to all present. Sir'William ]rad a lonp; record of public service, and held a very distinguished position in the profession. Among the audience were not only a.dmirers but also many personal friends of the deceased, and he was sure he was expressing their feelings when he said that they regretted very sincerely Sir'William's death. The Council, at their meeting that afternoon, had passed the following resolution, which he was sure would be approved by the meeting:- 36That the Council have learned with deep regret the death of their distinguished and esteemed Past-President, Sir William Henry Preece, K.C.B., F.R.S., who had been a member of The Institution since 1859, and a member of the Council from 1884 to 1899; and desire to convey to the members of his family sincere sympathy with them irr their bereavement." (Paper No. 4057.) " The Oonstruotion of the 'White Star' Dock anil adjoining Quays at Southampton." 'WnNrwonrs-Snorr,os, lly Fnirxrlrs Dnwusr M. Inst. C.E, Tttn wolk derrcriborl irr tlris Paper may be said to form the lasb link irr tlrrr rlrrrirr of rlock-oxtensions rvhich were undertaken by the Londorr nn